Kamis, 29 November 2018

WebSpaceX | Data Analyze Based on Artificial Intelligent

WebSpaceX |  Artificial Intelligent Solutions

Right from Bitcoin, the vision of most of the blockchains have been to enable peer-to-peer payments without going through a financial institution. Since then there is this mad race where every business launching an ICO is trying to make its cryptocurrency transactional and achieve mass adoption.
The experts predict blockchain big and bright future?—?the technology that ensures that the authenticity of transactions can only be confirmed by the parties involved, without any middlemen or regulating parties, can confirm land and diamonds property rights and organize the communication of “smart” electronic devices.

WebSpaceX this is a new platform that builds on fresh ideas where this platform aims to process data and analyze data based on artificial intelligence, so the way it works is to collect data in browsers like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera Mini, Internet Exploler, Bing, Yahoo and the other and of course this project is based on BlockChain, with the existence of this project, of course the problems we face will be solved soon.

The advantages of WebSpaceX
We find that there are many advantages to looking for this project which makes me sure that this project can be successful in the future, that is including :

.Decentralized Platform
WebSpaceX uses a decentralized platform to facilitate its operation, using a decentralized system of course we will be able to more easily do data processing and also will be faster, more efficient and get very optimal results, with this we will certainly get more insight into marketing and easier achieve our goals.

.Based on Blockchain
As many people know, this new technology that is known as Blockchain will make this project run very smoothly and Better.

The solution provided by the WebSpaceX
We as users, will certainly ask what solutions will be provided by this platform, so let's look at the solutions provided by WebSpaceX one by one.
  • Payment in Crypto
  • With the existence of this system, everything in payment will certainly be easier, faster and more efficient and certainly not interrupted by the banking system.
  • Full Transparency
  • WebSpaceX works very transparently because it uses a smart contract-based cryptocurrency system where we can see all activities such as payments, receipts, etc.
  • Solution For Fraud
  • WebSpaceX is very concerned about the security of user data so this project uses fraud prevention technology based on number of different levels.
  • Wallets of WebSpaceX 
  • This project also presents a blockchain-based wallet where we can easily make payments for payments using the crypto system only on our Phone or PC.

Components of WebSpaceX
This project's component that I will describe is as follows:

1. Plan, each project has a plan before starting to the next stage this plan is very important because without a mature plan, a project will not work properly.
2. Data collection, at this stage all data is collected from various browsers as I mentioned above
3. Processing data, at this stage all data will be processed by utilizing artificial intelligence features and classified according to their respective criteria.
4. Configuration, this is the stage of compiling all data that has been processed and will continue with the next process phase
5. Reporting, at this stage the data obtained and arranged in such a way will be reported based on artificial intelligence

Team of WebSpaceX
This project was developed by a team that is very experienced in the related field and therefore this team has a very important role to play in the progress of this project, I have seen several profile from the official site of WebSpaceX and I see all of the team members have had very long experience and even some decades in a related field.

The roadmap is one of the most important things when we analyze a project where we can see how the project has running and how it will be arranged in the future, here I will give an overview of the roadmap from WebSpaceX :

ICO Details
For details of ICO, I will not describe it here because you can visit the official website, maybe you feel interesting to invest. You can read more about this project on the official website, there you can see in full and in detail the project that I will included in the link below.

if you are interested in joining the WebspaceX project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, because it's important to understand accuracy in reviews so you don't hesitate in investing.

For More Information:


What’s On Pic - Технический сторона проекта

What’s On Pic - Технический сторона проекта

Пользователи являются самым большим активом, поэтому важно обеспечить бесперебойную работу, позволяя им получать вознаграждения по всему миру от тысяч участвующих магазинов.
Для этого What’s On Pic использует передовые технологии, которые улучшат пользовательский опыт с помощью простого в использовании интерфейса для отслеживания своих вознаграждений.


What’s On Pic стремится создать простой и более приятный опыт для своих пользователей, который позволяет им получать вознаграждения по всему миру от тысяч участвующих торговых компаний. Для этого был создан простой и понятный сайт, а также удобный интерфейс для отслеживания их вознаграждения и доходов.
Внутренней целью команды было создание единой, стабильной платформы, с помощью которой можно было бы гармонизировать вопросы вознаграждения, отслеживать распределение токенов для участников и обеспечивать прозрачность и подотчетность с четким немедленным исполнением.
В качестве платформы был выбран Ethereum, так как он обладает уникальной способностью использовать смарт-контракт и может сократить затраты и время на проверку подлинности транзакции и доставку наличных средств на счет участника.
Благодаря использованию кошелька, совместимого с ERC20, участники смогут хранить свои токены, получать награды в токенах платформы или получать свой кэшбэк в токенах.


Ethereum создал экосистему, где все работает слаженно, используя токены для питания сети. Токены на базе Ethereum позволяют биржам, криптовалютным кошелькам и смарт-контрактам заранее знать, как будут взаимодействовать любые новые токены в системе.
Кроме того, ERC20 определяет шесть функций, которые позволяют другим смарт-контрактам взаимодействовать с сетью Ethereum, создавая неизменную среду для транзакций.
Благодаря возможностям смарт-контрактов и другим сложным вычислительным возможностям, Ethereum считается более гибкой, адаптируемой и стабильной платформой.
Для обеспечения прозрачности, стабильности и безопасности платформы, была внедрена технология блокчейн.
Технология блокчейн также позволяет упростить взаимодействие между участниками платформы и снизить мошенничество и издержки для всех вовлеченных сторон.
Токены AWT соответствуют стандарту ERC20. Это означает, что они совместимы с кошельком Ethereum и могут быть легко переведены с одного адреса на другой.


What’s On Pic токеномика позволяет создать бизнес-модель для расширения возможностей всех участников взаимодействовать с платформой и получать стимулы в виде денежных вознаграждений и токенов AWT.
Члены сообщества What's On Pic будут получать денежные вознаграждения и токены, когда покупка произойдет через сообщения, которые они отметили.
Ценность токенов AWT со временем будет увеличиваться за счет развития сервиса и увеличения количества пользователей, которые будут повышать спрос на токены. Это позволит участникам получить больше наград и преимуществ.
Участники What’s On Pic зарабатывают токены AWT каждый раз, когда покупка происходит от поста пользователя. Первоначально за каждый заработанный $1 потребитель будет дополнительно получать токеновый стимул в соотношении fiat 10:1, который финансируется из транзакционного потока доходов.
Любые выводы, требующие конвертации AWT в местную валюту, будут производиться по действующим рыночным ценам и будут привлекать комиссию за обработку транзакций, которая может варьироваться в зависимости от рынка и способа снятия.


Помимо вывода и хранения токена на своем кошельке, его можно использовать еще в нескольких вариантах:
1. Оплата рекламы на платформе:
  • Пользователи, продавцы и рекламодатели, предлагающие свои услуги и продукты на What’s On Pic могут оплатить свои рекламные сборы с помощью AWT.
  • Баннерная реклама или приоритетная кампания может быть оплачена токенами. По мере увеличения стоимости токенов любой выкуп будет оцениваться по действующим рыночным ценам, эффективно гарантируя дисконтированную ставку на рекламу в платформе для ранних пользователей.
2. Осуществление платежей:
  • Участники смогут покупать продукты на рынке What's On Pic и в конечном итоге приобретать товары у интегрированных торговых партнеров, которые принимают платежи с кошельков ERC20 в соответствии с обменным курсом токена в реальном времени.


Токен AWT выпущен на базе платформы Ethereum и полностью соответствует стандарту ERC-20. Поддержка этого стандарта гарантирует совместимость и простоту интеграции токена со сторонними сервисами (кошельки, биржи, объявления и т. д.).
Эмиссия AWT токенов необходима для сбора средств на дальнейшее развитие проекта и сопровождение платформы. Токены не будут генерироваться на этапе предпродажной подготовки.
Количество токенов AWT ограничено. AWT токены не добываются никакими компаниями или пользователями.
Максимальное количество токенов: 7,213,925.00 AWT. После этого, выпуск токенов AWT будет остановлен.
Токены для вознаграждения команды и советников будут автоматически заблокированы в смарт-контракте на 1 год.
Лексемы, составляющие резервный фонд будут автоматически заблокированы в смарт-контракт на 6 месяцев.
Все нераспроданные токены будут сожжены в соответствии с правилами смарт-контрактов, за исключением зарезервированных токенов.

Для дополнительной информации:



The virtual currency also known as virtual money is a type of unregulated digital money, which is issued and is usually controlled by the developer except Bitcoin and is used and accepted among members of a particular virtual community.In 2014, the European Banking Authority defined virtual currency as a digital representation of the value that is not issued by the central bank or public authority, is not always attached to fiat currency, but is accepted by nature or legal person as a means of payment and can be transferred, stored or traded electronically. In contrast digital currency issued by the central bank is defined as the central bank's digital currency.

Cryptocurrency is very rife developed by various companies and team engineers in various parts of the world. Even Google Ventures also invests in one of cryptocurrency technology.
According to my observations until now has been recorded already more than 500 cryptocurrency created based on my monitor on the site coinmarketcap.com. Where some cryptocurrencies have different concepts and some have concepts that mimic other coins.
Since the pure cryptocurrency value based on buy and sell power is not guaranteed by anything; it is not uncommon for cryptocurrency to have value down more than 20% in a day

Today I will give info to all friends about the new innovation of a platform, in the field of cryptocurrency subcontrol field EXTREMIUM EXCHANGE cryptocurrency, the exchange name I want to explain is EXTREMIUM EXCHANGE.
Extremium is the first blockchain-based investment platform, which allows you to invest in digital assets and receive passive income generated by the work of the Enhanced Self Organizing Incremental Neural Network for Cryptocurrency Trading. The main objective of the platform is to reduce the risks of investing in cryptocurrency and overcome difficulties associated with the analysis, trading and management of cryptocurrency.
Many interesting features launched by Extremium below will be explained by Extremium .

Various types of platform exchange in the world but rarely engaged in the platform exchange, but it is possible platform exchange launched its best program to enhance the development of the project in the present and future. you can research more at the whitepaper below.

But Extremium platform exchange also makes a new innovation along with the development of the world of cryptocurrency, Extremium also offers you an altcoin token that is not less advanced with altcoin others, although the new altcoin but its relatively competitive value in the market of cryptocurrency. for further clarity I will provide information about token launched by Extremium.
In the modern world, when cryptocurrencies have been integrated into many spheres of human activity, no one doubts that this technology can change the world, because it is happening right now before our very eyes. In addition to powerful technology, a new branch of the economy was born, which attracted a lot of investors.
However, because of the high volatility and unpredictability of price movements, only a few investors are able to properly manage assets, and often bear losses. Therefore, the most urgent question currently has been: “How do I invest in cryptocurrency and get a stable and regular income, which will not depend on the current price in the market and recent news?”
This is the task set by the Extremium team to help investors receive a stable and regular profit, without delving into the technical details of market forecasting. This task is undertaken by our Enhanced Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network, which allows our investors to receive passive income and stop worrying about Bitcoin price.
Best Fiture From Extremium Exchange
High level of security
The architecture is built in such a way as to provide a high level of protection for user assets.
High speed
Dashboard is created using the latest web technologies, which allows you to always have quick access to your profile.
We do not require any personal data from our users, and the transfer of data to third parties is completely excluded.
Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network 
is the most powerful neural network that allows us to predict the future price index with maximum accuracy. 
At the moment, there are no competitors in predicting the changes in the rate of cryptocurrency using Self-Organizing Neural Networks, which allows us to be the innovator. 

When organizing crowdselling through the initial coin offering, we decided to create a token based on the ERC20 standard. Extremium Token has these characteristics: 
  • Ethereum blockchain 
  • Peer-to-Peer Network 
  • Secure 
  • Cross-project and cross-platform 
  • High speed
Token Distribution
I advise you to invest in EXT, for that the main requirement in investing in EXTREMIUM EXCHANGE (EXT) altcoin you must first register on the site EXTREMIUM EXCHANGE hit this link https://extremium.io/register/ and then you follow the registration instructions like the picture below.

verification email after sigup, for legality regestration 
And then, this landing page after sign up
Add caption

A little addition from me personally my advice for those of you who like to invest in the world of crypto currency in the altcoin section, you better immediately invest in EXT tokens.
Tokens produced by extremium exchange, because these tokens have a very good price increase potential in the future, many tokens released by their own platform, has a price increase, and many are attracted by cryptocurrency traders in the world.
On the other hand you don't need to worry if you have an EXT token, the EXT token has a good exchange place on the extremium exchange webiste. and I think you get ease, for that my next suggestion, this token can be HOLD in the long run. my prediction is EXT tokens, the price will soar in the future.

a little more about the extremium exchange I took from the extremium official website, Extremium platform was developed before the launch of most of our competitors. Strategically, we decided not to hurry and follow the progress of our competitors. This solution gave the platform a huge advantage. We were able to see fatal errors, which eventually became typical for each new Investment project. We were able to learn from the mistakes of other projects and create a truly successful and popular product.

Our goals allow us to build a truly useful and highly profitable investment model, which will make it possible to receive high rates of return with minimal risks. We believe that the Extremium Software will be the most popular investment platform. Join our team and achieve success with Extremium.

I think if you do not invest your funds into the EXT token, it's really a loss, you can compare the price of the token issued by another market exchange , such as IDEX MARKET (IDXM), COSS EXCHANGE (COSS), and many others.

For More Information:

Sabtu, 24 November 2018



What is GGPRO?

GGPro is a blockchain platform that creates new opportunities for interaction between the gaming community, sponsors and game developers.
Unique game monetization system
Steam platform integration allows gamers to earn money while playing popular games.
Unique Player2Player promotion system
This innovative solution by GGPro team allows sponsors and developers of any level to get effective promotion of their products. The method is based on the players promoting the product among themselves.
Implemented MVP
Our already-implemented MVP supports monetization in Dota 2, CS:GO, Battlerite and directly connects gamers and sponsors.
GGPro’s multi-million audience
Potential target audience of our project is more than 70 million of active Steam users.
Global ecosystem
GGPro Services provide powerful capabilities for all platform users, connecting them in a unified global ecosystem.
Implementation of Smart contract technology allows for secure interactions between gamers, sponsors and developers.

GGPro is a blockchain platform that creates new opportunities for interaction between the gaming community, sponsors and game developers. In addition, on the other hand the development of the world of financial technology turned out to be one step ahead of the gaming industry. This can be seen from the application of technology called Blockchain that has been widely used by most financial companies and individual businesses as a sophisticated tool for making transactions that are safe, transparent, automatic, and capable of processing data faster. The combination created to build the world gaming economy is to utilize blockchain technology. This combination has been made by a blockchain-based game industry project, GGPRO.com.

It's very difficult to lure and retain game users today. This is due to the increasing number of games available on the game platform, which until now the total game spread in several game stores is more than 3.5 million games and will continue to grow. Competition for this game is an obstacle for young developers who are just starting to build games because it is difficult to compete with well-known game companies. Therefore, GGPRO is here to overcome this problem. GGPRO.com provides a solution with a tokenisation system that utilizes the new crypto currency created by GGPRO.com with the name GGP so that game developers and publishers are able to compete with other developers over smart contract technology that has proven to be faster and safer.

I advise you to invest in GGP that the main requirement in investing in GGPro GGPaltcoin You must first register on the site GGPro press this link https://ggpro.io/Home/Registration/ and then you follow registration instructions as shown below.

After you register with a complete identity you must verify the email so that you can proceed to the next step.

A little extra from my personal advice to those of you who like to invest in the world of crypto currency in the altcoin section, you better immediately invest in GGP.

Tokens generated by GGPro, because these tokens have very good potential price increases in the future, many tokens released by their own platforms, have price increases, and many are attracted by cryptocurrency traders in the world.

On the other hand you don't need to worry if you have GGP, because will be useful in the future and will have a sophisticated exchange exchange along with better prices compared to other tokens and I think you get convenience, to that's my next suggestion, this token can be RESISTANT in the long run. My prediction is GGP, prices will increase in the future.

because our goal allows us to build a truly useful and highly profitable investment model, which will enable us to receive high returns with minimal risk. We believe that Software GGPro will be the most popular investment platform. Join our team and achieve success together GGPro.
if you are interested in joining the GGpro project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, because it's important to understand accuracy in reviews so you don't hesitate in investing.
For More information:


BITCOIN MAX a decentralized electronic cash payment network

BITCOIN MAX a decentralized electronic cash payment network

The virtual currency also known as virtual money is a type of unregulated digital money, which is issued and is usually controlled by the developer except Bitcoin and is used and accepted among members of a particular virtual community.In 2014, the European Banking Authority defined virtual currency as a digital representation of the value that is not issued by the central bank or public authority, is not always attached to fiat currency, but is accepted by nature or legal person as a means of payment and can be transferred, stored or traded electronically. In contrast digital currency issued by the central bank is defined as the central bank's digital currency.

Digital currency digital money or electronic money or electronic currency is a kind of currency that is only available in digital form, not physically like paper money and coins. It shows properties similar to physical currency, but allows for instant transactions and transfer of ownership without limits. Examples include virtual currency and cryptocurrency or even the central bank issuing digital money. Like traditional money, this currency can be used to purchase physical goods and services, but may also be limited to certain communities such as for use in online games or social networks.

What is BitcoinMax?

Found online at https://www.bitcoinmax.info/, BitcoinMax is a decentralized electronic cash payment network that enables value to be transferred peer-to-peer. Unlike traditional payment networks, BitcoinMax bypasses the need for a centralized body of control, such as a government or a central bank. Instead, activities and balances are stored on a public, shared ledger called the blockchain, which is verified by thousands of computers (called nodes) maintaining the network across the globe. Transactions are made with no middlemen so anyone with access to the Internet can transfer money to anybody anywhere in the world.
No central authority or middleman means lower transaction cost. Traditional wire transfers and foreign transactions are costly and slow. On average among national banks, it costs $25 for outgoing domestic wire transfers and $44 for outgoing international wire transfers; in comparison, most e-Wallets and cryptocurrency exchanges charge a nominal 0.25% to 1% fee to send cryptocurrencies that reach your recipient in hours. Fees associated with BitcoinMax are negligible compared to fees of established banking institutions, credit unions.

Why Use BitcoinMax?
  • Blockchain Infrastructure

  • Integrates blockchain technology to provide unique identities for each node.

  • Easy Token Integration

  • Every node has its own token. You can earn tokens by doing work.

  • Global System and Secure

  • An efficient global system covering all corners, provides best data security.

BitcoinMax Benefits

Payment Freedom

The absence of a centralized governing body means no one can tell you what you can or cannot do with your digital cash at any time — there are no bank holidays, no borders, no restrictions. Traditionally, sending cash internationally takes at least 3 days of processing time plus paperwork and fees. When you send BitcoinMaxs to someone, you transfer directly to his or her address within a day with no additional hurdles. There is also no way for a third party to suspend or confiscate your BitcoinMaxs. BitcoinMax offers a global payment system that is fast, secure and cheap. You have complete control of your money with BitcoinMax.

Lower Risk for Merchants

Once a transaction has been verified and recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be reversed. BitcoinMax transactions are immutable once on the blockchain. Merchants can have peace of mind knowing they can send out goods with no risk of “charge-backs” where customers receive goods then reverse payment; this mechanism inhibits fraud which lowers merchants’ risk to conduct business online. Since BitcoinMax can be used by anyone with Internet, merchants can expand to new markets by accepting BitcoinMax where currency or credit cards are unavailable. Furthermore, BitcoinMax’s fast settlement time can streamline a merchant’s business operations.

Transparent Transactions

With the blockchain, the complete BitcoinMax transaction history is readily available for anyone to view. The fully auditable nature as well as BitcoinMax’s cryptographically secure protocol make BitcoinMax difficult to be manipulated by any individual or organization.

Banking the Unbanked

It is estimated that there are 2 billion unbanked people worldwide who are limited to transacting in cash, which is feasible only in local transactions or in relatively small amounts. BitcoinMax enables the unbanked to participate in the global market where BitcoinMaxs are accepted. BitcoinMax offers a stable banking system that’s robust and accessible to everyone.

BitcoinMax Mobile Payment

BitcoinMax provides a mobile wallet for sending and receiving payments. The mobile wallet functions similarly to many advanced payment and banking applications. For customers who are hesitant to put their credit cards on their phones can use blockchain powered BitcoinMax mobile App solutions, which allow customers to use tokens instead of their credit cards.

BitcoinMax Apps will be published in February, 2019. Some of its samples were shown.
Crypto-news curation
Natural Language Understanding
Wallet aggregation
Professional Network
No more expensive fees

BitcoinMax ICO

BMAX token is built on the Ethereum Blockchain. It’s compatibility of the token with third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, and provides easy-to-use integration.
On December 1st 2018, the company's ICO token sale stage 1 is about to start at 30% bonuses, looking at institutional investors for the initial tranche and attending global shows. The token sale detail is described below:

Sorry for the long article, and we do hope that we gave you a decent overview of our Token Sale information. Having said that, again and again and again, please read the White Paper in complete. Come back to us with any questions. We will be more than happy to answer all of them. Listen, we know that you work very hard for your money, and we want you to be 1000000% positive that this is the right investment.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of BitcoinMax.

For more information about BitcoinMax, you can visit online at:


Raido Financial – digital innovator

Raido Financial – digital innovator


hi dear i want introduce to you about a great project this called raido financial it's safety,efficient,and transparrant so lets check this out. 

About Raido Financial

Raido Financial is a global fintech ecosystem that combines a set of universal crypto tools for trading, exchange, financial and investment operations for all B2B and B2C crypto market players through the single platform.

Our mission is to provide all the market stakeholders with the most efficient, comprehensive and secure tools for carrying out all needed crypto activities. Thus, our main goal is to run and improve the ecosystem, whereby any participant of the crypto market can easily obtain and use highly efficient and profitable tools with any experience level in Blockchain or cryptocurrency technologies.

More than 50 cryptocurrency exchanges and margin trading tools
Multi-functional technical analysis of resources (indicator set, 12 time zones)
Gate of high-speed connection with the ability to continue up to 100 requests per second from each participant
Connection with external services from crypto exchanges, exchangers and payment systems
Data Encryption, cold storage and two-factor authentication with verification
Liquidity aggregation and distribution
Ability to add special tokens, including those issued through ICO / ITO / TGE
Use the API with REST, WebSocket, FIX protocol

Raido Financial’s mission
Our mission is to provide crypto market stakeholders with the most efficient, comprehensive and secure tools for carrying out all needed crypto activities. Our main goal is to develop and perfect the ecosystem, whereby any participant of the crypto market can easily obtain and use high-efficient and profitable tools with any type of experience level in Blockchain or cryptocurrency technologies.

see the interview in this video 
Raido Wallet Multicurrency

Cross platform solution for exchanging anonymous and secure cryptocurrency, deposit and fiat money withdrawals, and money transfers.

Support for Bitcoin, major Altcoins and tokens with a new list of new currencies. 
Fund security guarantees thanks to private keys, encryption and cryptographic wallets. 
Confidentiality and anonymity without reference to identification and transaction tracking data. 
Integration with online projects from every complexity and cryptocurrency publishing itself. 
The transaction process is done with one click without additional steps or multiple entries. 
Care and use of your own funds on all supported coins. 
Support English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, localization for other languages available. 
Commission fees are calculated dynamically, ensuring the best value for money. 

About ICO:
The volume of all tokens is issued 86 250 000 tokens
including sales tokens 60 262,500 tokens (60 262,5 ETH)including tokens that are backed up by 25 987 500 tokensSales Geography / Targeting Worldwide, except from the US, China,North Korea and the Republic of SingaporePrice of Token 0.001 ETHMember Crowd Sales – 60 262 500 (70%)Campaign – 8 662 500 (10%)Token distribution developer – 8 662 500 (10%)Advisor – 4 725,000 (5%)Airdrop – 1 575 000 (2%)Bounty – 2 362 500 (3%)The raidofinancial.comwebsitePersonal account for purchasing ico.raidofinancial.com tokens
Smart contractA smart contract address will be availableon the project’s website before the beginning

Crowd SaleBTC, ВСH, ЕТН, LTC, DASH, DLL payment methodsNovember – December 2018Tokens will be available for some limitedparticipantsPre-Sales Limits – 7 500.0 ETH on Pre-SalesFor potential investors, insideBounty program before the startICO. Restrictions on the number of Maxs – 7 500 ETH purchases during Pre-SalesJanuary – February 2019The Main Sales Token will be available for some limitedparticipantsLimit – 52 762.5 ETH on Main Sales February 5, 2019End of ICO Amount of actual distribution of tokenscircle and famous at the end of the CrowdSales.Limit on the number of Min – 50 tokens 

Our Team 


November 2017 – January 2018
Launch of the Raido Financial fintech ecosystem
Market and competitors’ analysis
Selection of a brand, creation of a single style and preparation of the UI.

February 2018
Development of the Raido Wallet’s database.
Formation of the Reference Terms for Raido Wallet’s Backend-development teams;
The development of the server architecture.

March 2018
Creation of the Raido Exchange Terms of Reference for Backend and Frontend development teams;
Establishment of the Raido Exchange primary server architecture;

April 2018
Development of the Raido Exchange Order Core (the base for accounting and information trading orders), the development of related databases and connectors (2 months);
Development of the first Blockchain – Bitcoin nodes and creation of a bundle with Core Radio Wallet, test transactions;

May 2018
Development of the first version of the Raido Exchange Personal Account
Development of the Raido Wallet application for Windows
Expansion of additional block nodes: Ethereum, Litecoin

June 2018
Start of the Raido Exchange Web-version programming
Testing and further development the Raido Exchange Personal Account

July 2018
Start of the own chart libraries selection (graphics)
Final Testing of Raido Wallet, debug monitoring and fail-safe systems

August 2018
Development of the first CRM-system version
Addition of the trading history output function to the Raido Exchange Personal Account

September 2018
Release of the demo version without the possibility of registration and trading (a view of the Trading Platform is available);
Addition of a new function: creation of your own Raido Wallet token according to the ERC-20 standard.

October 2018
Launch of the registration and access to the Dashboard
Addition of the PIN code protection function to the application

November 2018
Launch of the Pre-Sale
Obtainment of a European license for financial transactions.

December 2018
Development and implementation of a Technical Analysis package (7 technical indicators) for the Raido Exchange

January 2019
Launch of the Token Sale
Launch of a real trading on the Raido Exchange (availability of deposits, withdrawal, trading)
Here is an explanation from me and to avoid all forms of fraud, 



AFROCHAIN is the first blockchain for Africa. It is the first step toward building a free economy for everyone, giving back the power in the hands of the people of Africa and Africa diaspora. An entire ecosystem is to be built on the AFROCHAIN blockchain. AFROCHAIN native coin is called Afrochain Token (AFR), a coin suitable for African-market usage in line with its vision to provide access to financial services for everyone. Entrepreneurs will be able to build their own project on the Afrochain mainnet. The Afrochain ecosystem will enable users to have access to education, payments, exchange, trading and investing, and lots more.
DECENTRALIZED “ The servers are decentralized and distributed into various servers which connected to a single network “
ANONYMOUS ” Anyone can make a transaction with the same anonymity as Bitcoin, or better. No personal information is displayed “
TRANSPARENT ” Everyone can view the transaction history on the AFROCHAIN Blockchain here on the Etherscan Block Explorer “
SECURED ” Security is the first priority within our decentralized platform. We utilize the popular ERC20 Platform by Ethereum blockchain technology allowing other developers to join seamlessly and without worry “
To use Blockchain Technology to improve the lives of people of Africa and friends of Africa. To Bank the unbanked by giving them access to financial services through Education and equipping individuals and merchants with tools and access to the Afrochain ecosystem.
Afro ecosystem
Afropay is Digital Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway.
  • AfroPay is a unique payment solution for easily accessing and transferring funds electronically.  
  • Accessible from any location in the world, the world-wide payment network, proprietary payment platform and global payment solution ensures payees that they receive their funds in a timely and cost-effective manner.
  • AfroPay is a trusted payments technology and a service provider to top-tier organizations across multiple industries.
  • Payees enjoy the benefits of quickly receiving their funds and the ability to choose payment methods that are most convenient for them, including local bank direct deposit, branded prepaid cards and more.
  • Zero Transaction Fees, Decentralized blockchain technology makes zero cost transactions possible, with an option for including a “mining fee” to complete your transaction at a prioritized speed
AFRODEX is Decentralized Exchange.
AFRODEX Using decentralized ” 0X-Protocol ” You can Exchange any ERC20 Token with AFRODEX Decentralized Exchange. AFRODEX Decentralized Exchange to Create wallet we Using Myetherwallet   API, our platform support Metamask Google Chrome extention and Ledger Nano’s.
Warning!: AFRODEX does not Keep Your Personal Private Key, You are  Owner of your Your Wallet.

What is an Afropay Application

Afropay is a Payment Gateway for Digital Cryptocurrency. The Afropay application has a very efficient and environmentally friendly payment service for users. This application is very easily accessed globally in every country and ensures safe time and user transactions. Recipients can enjoy the payment methods found in the Afropay application, one of which is a direct deposit from a local bank. Afropay is a trusted application for users and Afropay uses the blockchain system to make a 0 fee with the option of entering “mining costs” to complete your transactions at an adjustable speed. Afropay also has services for industry.

What does the Afrochain Platform offer?

The various services provided by the Afrochain Platform via Coins (AFR) along with Etherium’s Smart Contract blockchain system, enhance the Afrochain ecosystem, create solutions for Africa and other users. Some of these services are categorized as.

A system of trust and reputation that can be transferred throughout the world

This system is designed and developed to fulfill the service aspect to the user when making transactions, Blockchain will record all things or information that is carried out on the transaction. all information can only be accessed by users. Smart contracts greatly increase the trust of users involved in this project.

Payment solutions through the Mobile gateway

Afrochain, along with Etherium Blockchain, allows users to create a mobile payment system uses a distributed system Afrochain by exchanging digital currency into fiat currencies can be received by a local.

To enable the African economy to include blockchain technology.

The Afrochain platform globally will develop a digital platform for payment solutions. aims to allow users to easily make various payments or transactions. With Blockchain will change the entire African economy

Cellular payments: There has been a major shift in cellular payments.

Estimates of the number of mobile payment users in US stores reached 150% in 2020. And in 2016, consumers have reached $ 47.6 purchase of physical goods long distances. some countries can not enjoy infrastructure with monetary stability, such as Africa, it is only available to users who do not have access rights stable and dynamic transaction. Afrochain believes that blockchain can change all that. simplify the entire experience of buyers and sellers. Integration of third-party applications will be added in time, with the goal of creating a complete and efficient ecosystem, which is preparing a new generation of users to e-commerce. AfroWallet Ethereum will be integrated into the Escrow system.

What is Afrodex Exchange?

Afrodex is one of the services found on the Afrochain Platform which is a decentralized Exchange. AFRODEX Using decentralized “0X-Protocol” You can exchange any ERC20 Tokens with AFRODEX Decentralized Exchange. The platform is supported by Metamask and Ledger’s Nano

Introduction to the NileChain Foundation

The NileChain Foundation is a decentralized private company (DAO), enabling a decentralized system to increase the African market. The Nilechain project is built on Mainnet Afrochain and improves African infrastructure so that they can enjoy the convenience of smart ecosystems. Nile The Foundation also provides governance services for the Nilechain Token (Nile) ecosystem economy. make everything develop better.

Using Blockchain Technology, Nilechain is able to build decentralized real estate and rental ecosystems that will improve the quality of Africa, facilitate the purchase, sale and rental of services or properties for their convenience.

Afrochain Token Distribution: (AFR)

Available for Private Sales: 7,500,000 AFR 
ICO General Sales: 18,750,000 AFR 
Detained for Teams & Developers: 11,250,000 AFRs (Locked) 
Reserved for Future Development: 18,750,000 AFR Intended 
for Marketing Gifts: 18,750,000 
Total Available AFR Token: 75,000,000 AFR

Details of the Afrochain Token: (AFR)

Name Token: AFROCHAIN 
Symbol: AFR 
Max Supply: 75M AFR 
Total Supply: 26,250,000 AFR (Pre ICO & Public ICO) 
Hardcap: 11,250 ETH ($ 5,625,000) 
Softcap: 3,750 ETH ($ 1,875, 000) 
Exchange Rate – Pre Sales : 5000 AFR = 1 ETH ($ 0.1 / AFR) 
Project protocol: ERC20 ETHEREUM Platform 
Target Price December / 2018: $ 10 / AFR 
Update: August 1, 2018

Afrochain Roadmap Platform:

Supported Afrochain Platform Wallet:


More details Project:
Contact: admin@afrochain.co 


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