Selasa, 09 Juli 2019

AIGO -Tekhnologi Blockchain pembayaran crypto dan komersil

AIGO -Tekhnologi Blockchain pembayaran crypto dan komersil

Halo semuanya, kami akan menyediakan artikel untuk memperkenalkan proyek "AIGO" bagi orang-orang yang tertarik untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan dan platform potensial Anda. Informasi berikut mungkin tidak lengkap dan tidak menyiratkan hubungan kontraktual. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada semua orang sehingga mereka dapat memutuskan apakah akan menganalisis perusahaan untuk berinvestasi untuk mendapatkan token. Berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini sangat besar bagi kami, jika Anda memahami visi dan misi proyek sebelum Anda bergabung, sehingga meningkatkan kepercayaan diri Anda. Hari ini saya akan membahas proyek crypto yang disebut AIGO, di bawah ini saya akan memberikan beberapa penjelasan lebih rinci tentang proyek Aigo

Apa itu AIGO?

AIGO adalah upaya untuk merancang pembangunan infrastruktur, yang akan berpotensi tumbuh menjadi sistem pembayaran yang sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi.


Teknologi blockchain memegang janji besar untuk mengubah industri pembayaran. Masalah yang dijelaskan pada bagian sebelumnya dapat diatasi dengan jaringan blockchain basis pembayaran peer-to-peer yang memungkinkan fleksibilitas dan skalabilitas kartu pembayaran melalui platform yang didesentralisasi.

Seperti Protokol akan dapat memfasilitasi transaksi antara pelanggan dan pedagang, menghilangkan perantara di sepanjang jalan, menghemat sejumlah besar dana untuk pedagang dan pelanggan, meningkatkan efisiensi keseluruhan dan mengurangi risiko. Adopsi blockchain memiliki keuntungan karena dapat meningkatkan penggunaan cryptocurrency untuk transaksi sehari-hari.

[AIGOPay (] dirancang dengan komponen on-chain dan off-chain. Fungsionalitas AIGOpay akan hadir dalam komponen on-chain, sedangkan komponen Off-chain akan dirancang untuk membuat interaksi pengguna yang ramah pengguna.

Pembayaran Online

Ada beberapa jenis kartu pembayaran yang dikelola dan dijalankan pada jaringan tertentu seperti visa, mastercard, dan American express (AmEx). Ini termasuk beberapa jenis kartu seperti kartu kredit, debit, prabayar, dan biaya. Sistem gateway pembayaran seperti paypal atau stripe dan sistem e-wallet seperti dompet apple dan google wallet dikembangkan di lingkungan kartu pembayaran.

Kartu pembayaran memiliki lebih dari 77% dari perdagangan global, Lebih dari 257 miliar kartu dikeluarkan untuk transaksi di dunia.

AIGO - Ekosistem

Setiap kartu menggesek atau membuat proses yang kompleks, karena data pembayaran dihasilkan dan dikirim melalui jaringan kompleks pemangku kepentingan swasta, yang masing-masing biaya untuk mendorong transaksi melalui:

Jaringan kartu, yang bertindak sebagai titik sentral yang memfasilitasi transaksi antara pengguna dan memperoleh entitas, ketika membangun protokol serta pihak lain yang terlibat dalam pemrosesan kartu diminta untuk mengikutinya. Mereka juga menetapkan Biaya interchange (dibayarkan kepada pencipta), memastikan kepatuhan dengan aturan dan ketentuan yang mereka tetapkan dan menyelesaikan perselisihan dengan anggota jaringan.

Mengakuisisi bank dalam memberikan pedagang akses ke sistem yang diperlukan untuk menerima pembayaran kartu.

Mereka menyediakan akses ke terminal pembayaran, layanan pemrosesan dan pencairan, serta rekening bank tempat dana yang disimpan dapat disimpan (Secure Online Wallet) Masalah bank dan pemroses - mungkin pemegang deposito atau perpanjangan kredit yang terkait dengan rekening kartu, dengan menyediakan berbagai tingkatan dukungan back-office, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan keamanan saat mentransfer data pembayaran.

Pembayaran Terminal dan layanan antarmuka - Layanan seperti ini berfungsi sebagai portal yang menghubungkan pedagang dan pengguna e-Commerce. Pembayaran selanjutnya dapat memperoleh manfaat pribadi dengan menawarkan layanan tambahan seperti analisis dan pelaporan hasil transaksi.

MSP (Pembayaran Layanan Pedagang) adalah perantara yang menjual layanan pemrosesan pembayaran kepada pedagang atas nama pengakuisisi dan pemroses.

Struktur Transaksi Online

Pemrosesan kartu kredit berlangsung dalam tiga tahap. Masing-masing melibatkan semua pengguna yang dijelaskan di atas, mari kita cermati ekosistem kartu pembayaran melalui contoh pembelian yang dilakukan oleh pelanggan.

Rantai Pembayaran AI-AIGO

AIGO AIPayment Chain dirancang dari bawah ke atas secara khusus untuk mengatasi masalah ini dan memfasilitasi fleksibilitas dalam mekanika transaksi. Arsitektur pembayaran AIP yang inovatif akan membuka jalan bagi semua sudut mekanisme pembayaran yang sangat umum dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, baik online maupun offline, tetapi hingga saat ini tidak mungkin atau secara praktis tidak sesuai untuk blockchain seperti pembayaran berkala. Rantai ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi kuat dan fleksibel, yang memungkinkan setiap pedagang untuk merancang transaksi mereka sendiri dan menerapkan logika bisnis mereka sendiri.

Struktur Token

Biaya 1 token AIGO: 0,002 USD (Pra-Penjualan) & 0,003-0,005 USD (Jual-Utama)
Jangka waktu penjualan token: 30 hari dengan kemungkinan penyelesaian awal otomatis dalam mengejar tujuan akhir ICO
Tujuan yang diperluas setelah dimulainya ICO: Tidak mungkin
Batasan teknis token:
Emisi yang dapat disesuaikan: Semua token yang tidak terjual dan tidak terisi akan dihancurkan dan pelepasan tambahan dari token



dan - CMO Bient
Rennie S - Pendiri Crypto Valley Singapore.
Yordan Lyanchev - Co-Founder YouOnlyBlogOnce
Jeffrey W - Pendiri Amnaya
Lalit Bansal - Pendiri
Bharat Ghandas - SEO-Digital Marketing
Bowo Soepartingjo - Pendiri China Noodle Restaurant

saya berharap anda dapat memahami maksud dan tujuan dari proyek AIGO dan jika anda ingin mengambil keuntungan dalam kesempatan kali ini maka saya harap anda dapat menginvestasikan ke proyek AIGO dan tunggu hasil positif yang akan anda peroleh mari bergabung bersama kami silahkan kunjungi website resmi yang sudah saya cantumkan  dibawah ini.



Rabu, 03 Juli 2019



Modern blockchain technology with its accompanying tools in the form of a smart contract helps us to bring clarity and order of actions, as well as reliability, transparency and immutability of documents. As you already know, the ancestor of smart contracts is the Ethereum blockchain and all its derivatives. Moreover, the smart contract also does not stand still and therefore is constantly evolving, improving its functions and capabilities. This is the one we will talk about today.

At the current time of trade and consumer relations, the market is almost the largest in the world. Moreover, every day hundreds of thousands of companies interact with each other, sending their goods from point "A" to point "B". At the same time, each time they use a number of related documents and contracts that are simply necessary to ensure that all aspects of the transaction were complied with and fulfilled fully. But as practice shows, their presence also does not save entrepreneurs from a large number of errors and troubles arising from the human factor, inattention and other shortcomings.

Of course, in place of paper contracts came with time electronic, where in a more accessible format, people can clearly get acquainted with all the ensuing paragraphs of the contract, as well as to trace its unconditional execution. But alas, here the system shows its vulnerability and vulnerability to any external interference or any other hacker problems. After all, as far as we remember everything, the trade and transport and all business relations are centralized, which means that they have a single server on which all valuable and important information is stored.

The use of Blockchain technology in traditional sectors of the economy and financial apparatus has huge advantages over the long-outdated, but widely used today traditional models. The last significant modernization of these industries date back to the 19th century, it was then that the abolition of the Gold standard. Since then, more than 200 years have passed, and the system of work of the main structures has not changed much and still represents a red tape with paper reports and all sorts of forms. If not for the Internet, it would be quite sad, but it is also not a panacea, as almost any database can be hacked and compromised data.

What is AIGO?

AIGO is an effort to design infrastructure development, which will have the potential to grow into a fully decentralized payment system.

AIGO Vision

The blockchain technology holds a big promise to change the payment industry. The problem described in the previous section can be overcome with a peer-to-peer payment base blockchain network that allows flexibility and scalability of payment cards over a decentralized platform.

Like the Protocol will be able to facilitate transactions between customers and traders, eliminate intermediaries along the way, save large amounts of funds for traders and customers, increase overall efficiency and reduce risk. The adoption of blockchain has the advantage of being able to increase the use of cryptocurrency for everyday transactions.

[AIGOPay(] is designed with both on-chain and off-chain components. The functionality of AIGOpay will be present in on-chain components, while the Off-chain components will be designed to make user friendly user interaction.

Online Payment

There are several types of payment cards that are managed and run on certain networks such as visa, mastercard, and american express (AmEx). This includes several types of cards such as credit, debit, prepaid, and fee cards. Payment gateway systems such as paypal or stripe and e-wallet systems such as apple wallet and google wallet are developed in the payment card environment.

Payment cards hold more than 77% of global trade, More than 257 billion cards are issued for transactions in the world.

AIGO – Ecosystem

Each card swipe or make a complex process, as payment data is generated and sent through a complex network of private stakeholders, each of which costs to drive the transaction through :

The card network, which acts as a central point that facilitates transactions between users and acquires entities, when building protocols as well as other parties involved in processing cards are required to follow them. They also set a interchange Fee (paid to the creator), ensuring compliance with the rules and conditions they set and resolving disputes with network members.

Acquire banks in providing traders with access to the system needed to receive card payments.

They provide access to payment terminals, processing and disbursement services, as well as bank accounts where settled funds can be saved (Secure Online Wallet) Issues of banks and processors - perhaps either deposit holders or extending credit related to card accounts, as providing various levels of back-office support, the main goal is to increase security when transferring payment data.

Terminal Payment and interface services - Services like this serve as a portal that connects e- Commerce traders and users. Subsequently payments can get personal benefits by offering additional services such as analysis and reporting of transaction results.

MSP (Merchant Service Payment) is an intermediary that sells payment processing services to traders on behalf of acquires and processors.

Structure Online Transaction

Credit card processing takes place in three stages. Each involving all the users described above, let's take a closer look at the payment card ecosystem through examples of purchases made by customers.

AIGO AI-Payment Chain

AIGO AIPayment Chain is designed from the ground up specifically to overcome this problem and facilitate flexibility in transaction mechanics. Innovative AIPayment architecture will pave the way for all corners of the payment mechanism that is very common in our daily lives, both online and offline, but until now it is not possible or practically inappropriate for the blockchain such as periodic payments. This chain is intended to be strong and flexible, which allows each trader to design their own transactions and apply their own business logic.

Information Sale

Token Structure

Cost of 1 token AIGO: 0.002 USD (Pre-Sale) & 0.003-0.005 USD (Main-Sale)
Term of token sale: 30days with the possibility of an automatic early completion in pursuing the final goals of ICO
Expanded goals after start of ICO: Impossible
Technical limitation of tokens: 1,000,000,000
Adjustable emission: All unsold and unallocated tokens will bе destroyed and additional release оf tokens will not be possible
Secured ways to purchase tokens: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USD Tether (USDT)
Hardcap: $3,000,000
Softcap: $500,000


Our Team

Teguh Saputra - CEO, Co-Founder
Alfan Asyari - CMO, Co-Founder
Bayu Rheza - CTO, Co-Founder
Danang Juniar - CSO, Co-Founder
Yosua Diver - Head of Research
Tony Hartanto - Head of Software Engineering
Unggah Rizki - Head Of Investor Relations
Zaaref Knight - Community Manager


M Yusuf - COO Amarossa Hotel Indonesia
Tony Oscar - CEO DeltaChain
Raghav Sawhney - CMO Bient
Rennie S - Founder Crypto Valley Singapore.
Yordan Lyanchev - Co-Founder YouOnlyBlogOnce
Jeffrey W - Founder Amnaya
Lalit Bansal - Founder
Bharat Ghandas - SEO-Digital Marketing
Bowo Soepartingjo - Founder China Noodle Restaurant

Sorry for the long article, and we do hope that we gave you a decent overview of our Token Sale information. Having said that, again and again and again, please read the White Paper in complete. Come back to us with any questions. We will be more than happy to answer all of them. Listen, we know that you work very hard for your money, and we want you to be 1000000% positive that this is the right investment.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of AIGO



Selasa, 02 Juli 2019

filmgrid project

Film, also called movie or motion picture, is a medium used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.

Traditionally, films were recorded onto celluloid film through a photochemical process and then shown through a movie projector onto a large screen. Contemporary films are often fully digital through the entire process of production, distribution, and exhibition, while films recorded in a photochemical form traditionally included an analogous optical soundtrack (a graphic recording of the spoken words, music and other sounds that accompany the images which runs along a portion of the film exclusively reserved for it, and is not projected).

What is Filmgrid?

Filmgrid is an ideological project, seeking to create a business redundant platform that provides a fair innovative alternative to movie business; removing intermediaries from the creative and producing processes.
A place where independent filmmakers and viewers can interact in order to create better movies with richer content and true artistic freedom. The application will offer all the services needed for this to be integral reality:
The Billboard. A movie marketplace where creative users may offer their movies, and viewer users can buy them and stream them.
The Pitchboard. A podium where film projects can seek funding either by obtaining it from the Filmgrid’s production fund, pre-sales or collective production.
The Critique Bay. A social network environment that promotes the connectivity between all the users and the spread of ideas.
Filmgrid will use the power of blockchain technology to manage transactions and hosting the smart contracts that will secure funds, voting, and other important aspects that make Filmgrid unique.

Addressed Issue

In a traditional Hollywood-like business model, income is produced with the sale of theater tickets, digital and physical video copies, licensing to SVOD services and others. The typical scenario for profit distribution will include a Recoupment Waterfall, an accounting technique designed to provide control to the middlemen, hence the manipulation of profit.
We come up with an innovative business model, cutting out intermediaries, aiming for the moviemaker to be the one who make the most profit, receiving income from the first sale. This brings the opportunity to dramatically lower down the cost for the viewer.

Filmpass Token

Filmgrid’s utility token, Filmpass (FILM), is designed to be the means of payment for buying and renting movies and series episodes within the platform.

Token specifications:

Standard: ERC20
Name: Filmpass
Ticker: FILM
Decimals: 18
Max. Cap: 1,000,000,000 Tokens
Contract: 0xdadfd3814684a3a08a001500a98eef74f4ac1712

Token Distribution

The FILM token distribution consists of four sales, each one unique and oriented for different markets. Out of the 1 billion FILM tokens, 800 million will be distributed in total; 200 million will be kept to be distributed among Filmgrid and the founding team.
Date: May 1st 2019 - June 30th 2019
Price: 1 ETH = 11,000 FILM
Tokens for Sale: 20,000,000 FILM
Date: July 1st 2019 - July 31st 2019
Price: 1 ETH = 7,000 FILM
Tokens for Sale: 60,000,000 FILM
Date: August 1st 2019 - August 31st 2019
Price: 1 ETH = 3,000 FILM
Tokens for Sale: 320,000,000 FILM
Date: Sept. 1st 2019 - August 31st 2020
Price: Dynamic
Tokens for Sale: 400,000,000 FILM
The tokens will be minted according to the dates and amounts of the distribution sales.

Why Blockchain?

Because its decentralized nature is a perfect fit for the principles/tenets behind Filmgrid. Furthermore, it can solve problems that traditional centralized technology cannot, particularly issues of censorship, intermediaries interference or trade transparency for example.
To provide integrity verification for video files, we will store the data off-chain and store a hash of the data on-chain. This guarantees that the data is not being modified while protecting the blockchain from becoming bloated. We are exploring the benefits of IPFS, to implement in the near future.
With the intention of being productive as soon as possible, the first two years, business will take place on the Ethereum network, the DApp and the Smart Contracts will run on top of the blockchain. Gas costs will be cover by the platform, not the users
A Social Reputation System will provide the best quality control, delivered by the users themselves; rating Movies and Creative Users, bad quality or poor Movies won't make to the top, with the possibility of getting permanently banned.

Users can use reactions to interact with each other in the platform.

Since is a network, a connection channel gets open, where Creative Users can find key members for their crews, or find a crew where to contribute, and most important, learn from the Viewers feedbacks.

(Don’t worry, in purpose long boring movies won’t pass the Social Reputation System)


The token distribution will be divided in two phases, distributing 400,000,000 FILM tokens in each phase. 200,000,000 will be kept to be distributed among Filmgrid and the founding team. There will be a total supply of 1,000,000,000 FILM tokens.


2016June - CONCEPT
Applying our beliefs about movie industry in a fair business model.

Adapting and enhancing Filmgrid to Blockchain Technology.

This .space web site has been created to record and inform the project.

2018April - WHITE PAPER
Structure and developing of our White Paper version 1.0.

Project registration on ICO listing specialized websites.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Rethinking the plan of action.

Public Relations, SEO, Social Networks and online publicity.

Filmpass Token Distribution in an Pre Coin Offering (ICO).

Developing the DApp and Smart Contracts and public release of the code.

Filmpass Token Distribution final and long round begins.

Minimum Viable Product with the Billboard and early Pitchboard.

Start the development of the Filmgrid Blockchain and configuration.

2020January - DAPP MARKETING
Worldwide promotion of Filmgrid Decentralized Aplication.

Well, all the work that has to be made to realease a top quality product.

Filmgrid Blockchain Platform Version 1.0 Release.

The official source of the FilmGrid project:


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