As we know technology is growing rapidly continuously making an innovation solution for the whole world in order to improve the quality of life. The most widely used technology is the Internet whose function is to exchange information between users. The Internet can be a place for you to bring out all your inspiration. And as we know now all things can be accessed with internet.20 years ago the internet was only used for programming and computer geeks only. But now this new technology is blockchain or digital finance is very rapidly growing rapidly. it can be seen from the soaring price of bitcoin and even bitcoin already exist in various countries.Not only that, even so many cryptocurencies that keep popping up even competing. This makes many companies compete in Blockchain-based projects. and many projects that provide market platforms based on blockchain technology. But now there is no platform that provides any kind of technology-based bockchain. And now the online marketplace is growing rapidly as well. because the online market will be more profitable than the offline market where with the online market the sellers are very profitable because they do not need to pay the store rent or pay taxes.
Therefore a new project to innovate to provide a marketing platform where we can buy anything there using the crypto platform finance is Bazista. Bazista is a market that offers an easy and reliable way to exchange goods and services for more than 5 different digital assets. Even Bazista tries to combine the e-commerze market with decentralized blockchain technology, because E-commerce is one of the fastest growing technology markets in the world. The rapid growth is mainly due to the widespread use of broadband broadband (fixed and mobile) to the internet.
The purpose of Bazista
In addition to creating a blockchain-based e-commerce market Bazista also aims to create a simple and secure platform that enables the exchange of goods and services, with a variety of infrastructure solutions offered to users and holders of cryptocurrency and digital assets. so users no longer worry about the security of their transactions because by using crypto and digital assets for settlement Transactions between our platform users ensure transparency of transactions and create new ingenious ways to make money by utilizing user activity on the internet. Where Bazista creates a platform for B2C and C2C exchange that uses new technology for account settlement between users. The service allows users to easily exchange the goods and services necessary for cryptourrency by interacting with other platform users. Because crypto's main purpose is to make payments, in particular, with the aim of making transactions related to the purchase and sale of goods and services, which is an aspect key to human economic activity.
Benefits of Using Bazista
The Bazista marketplace platform offers not only its goods and services to its customers, but it also provides them with the opportunities to benefit from its many advantages. Bazista introduces the cryptocurrency payment method to its platform and users. The cryptocurrencies are a global payment method adapted to the Bazista platform in a practical way, in order to satisfy the initial idea of a productive and a rewarding marketplace platform. All the platform transactions are tax-free and they include no additional expenses.
The main rewarding segment of the Bazista platform is the tokens, serving the purpose of improving the loyalty system. Namely, the loyalty of the users is rewarded with tokens, which they can later use to buy promotional goods at a 70% maximum discount.
The Registration Is Optional
The Bazista platform also provides an easy access to shopping cart through the simple '' Buy '' button, meaning no registration is required in order to purchase the desired goods or services. On the other hand, if a user decides to register an account, the platform also includes the registration button, after which only a simple step verification is required. After proceeding, the new user will be awarded the seller status, meaning that they will be able to post personal advertisements on the platform.
A registered user of the platform is able to post their own advertisements in the member area. As for the unregistered ones, the 30 days of publishing the first one, should be less than 700 dollars per month.

For Buyer
Turn your digital assets into real goods and services. A friendly interface will make your experience easier.

For Sellers
Receive various technical and marketing tools for the sale of their goods quickly and in case the token deposit eliminates the need to pay commissions when selling.

Appreciated to help product sales to other platform users.
Cost up to 0% quality
With this feature you can save up to 13% commission fees on key players in the C2C and B2C markets.
Sell products from other users and get coins together! So you can get more profit.
Digital assets
Payment of goods and services will be received in more than 5 digital assets. so it can facilitate you in the purchase or sale because your transaction will be faster.
Support transactions at each stage so that transactions will become more secure and reliable.
How Bazista Works
Full integration of digital assets ensures high transaction transparency and reduces financial time and cost. Centralized support will provide shipping assistance, monitorin deals, and user ratings, in addition to ensuring that restricted goods and services are not sold in the platform.

Bazista Application

Currently you can enjoy the usefulness of Bazista platform not through desktop only but now it is available in mobile phone application, so it will facilitate you in making sales or purchase transactions anywhere and anytime. The application features of the mobile phone

Register here you register early with include name, email, phone number, and address and you must verify your account for more security awake.
Posting ads in the platform of users can post their ads but for users who have not verified each posting their ads will pay for $ 200 per month.
Buying goods on this platform bazista using a one-click system where users simply click "buy" and buyers can choose the goods they want to buy, so buyers can know the type of payment received for the goods.
Completing transactions Once an agreement is made between the seller and the buyer, the amount required to complete the transaction will be blocked (deposited) on the platform until the transaction is marked by the buyer as done. Under standard conditions, the terms of this deposit must not exceed 45 consecutive days, and if the buyer does not mark the completed transaction or open a dispute in connection with the current transaction during that period, the payment will be automatically released from the deposit to the seller.
Token Bazista
Bazista uses Blockchain Etheral technology with smart contract system with ERC20 type with BZS symbol. using BZS tokens will make it easier for users to trade in e-commerce markets. Token BZS can be used to enter the platform of Bazista, so you can enjoy various services or share the features of the Bazista platform.
Token Details
Company Name: Bazista Platform
Symbol: BZS
Price token: The price tagged for 1ETH = 11,000 BZS
Total tokens: As for the total supply to be made around 440 million BZS
Token sales: Token will go on sale on Pre-ICO November 16, 2017
Advantages Of Token BZS
- Bounty developers, founders and program participants will get a fee in BZS tokens
- Creating a partnership relationship with outside developers allows the use of BZS tokens in return for their services.
- Get tokens in return for participation in the referral program.
- Gain access to additional platform sections, participate in special promotional campaigns, and earn premium status with tokens rewards.
- Exchange tokens for different types of automation, and account customization for sellers well
- Discount on all platform services when using tokens
Token Distribution
Of the total tokens will be daloxikan sebagia the following:
- 321 200 000 BZS (73%) will be available during crowdsale
- 66,000 BZS (15%) will remain with the Bazista team
- 17 600 000 BZS (4%) is a backup for marketing campaigns within the platform
- 13 200 000 BZS (3%) can be obtained in pre-ICO
- 13 20 0 000 BZS (3%) will be awarded to the project advisor
- 8 800 000 BZS (2%) will be paid in the bounty campaign
Pre-ICO Bazista
Pre-ICO will take place on November 16, 2017. Where every user who received a token at this time get a discount of 30%. And in the bazista project development this program offers to involve some investors, if the target does not reach then the profit from the investor will be returned. At the time of Pre-ICO the token price is around 1ETH = 11,000 BZS. With a total token target of 13,200,000 BZS available.
Crowd Sale Bazista
At the moment Crowdsale Bazista will sell a total token of 321,200,000 BZS, with a bonus offer at the time of Crowdsale among other
- On day 1 - day 3 get bonus about 30%
- On the 4th day - the 11th day get a bonus of about 20%
- On day 18 - day 23 get bonus about 10%
- On the 24th day of the 28th day get a bonus of about 5%
- On the 29th day do not get a bonus
- From the sale of tokens when Crowdsale funds will be distributed as follows:
- 55% of the funds raised will be used for platform development
- 35% is a marketing budget
- 10% will cover administrative costs, legal support costs, etc.
Team Bazista
Team member
- Vakhtang Abuladze - CEO
- Denis Sholokhov - CMO
- Maksim Orlov - CTO
- Mikhail Kokin - Graphic / UX designer
Team Advisor
- aTriz - Campaign Advisor
- Denis Kurilchik - Crowdsale Advisor
- Vladislav Bermuda - Marketing Advisor
More Info
Whitepaper: Whitepaper Link
AUTHOR :salsa24
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