The main purpose of INS Ecosystems is to create a leading consumer market decentralization that is used by a wide audience by maintaining a growing ecosystem of consumers willing to buy daily products at lower prices and suppliers looking to sell directly and beyond existing retail chains. The main role of the INS Foundation is to develop the open source technologies needed to run the decentralized INS ecosystem and create successful models for incentives for all participants.
- The 500. 000 INS total of $ 500. 000 is reserved for the Bounty Campaign.
- 15% Translations
- 20% Social Media {Facebook and Twitter alike}
- 20% Campaign Articles & Videos (blogs)
- 30% Campaign Signature
- 2% Telegram Bounty
- 13% Miscellaneous bounty
The INS service
The only global decentralized online manufacturer-to-consumer platform, enabling customers to buy directly from manufacturers without the intermediation of sellers, powered by a self-regulating neighborhood of consumers and makers. INS Ecosystem smart contracts enable producers to run bespoke commitment programs and rewards their clients in INS tokens.
How the INS Ecosystem environment will work
All INS Ecosystem makers will have the ability to list and offer items directly to customers, gain consumer feedback and benefit devoted clients. Blockchain and wise contracts are utilized to make the supply chain more efficient, trims costs, and power commitment programs. The INS Ecosystem environment is prepared to be deployed in the largest cities all over the world with all the necessary facilities to make it functional.
- High-quality groceries cheaper than in stores
- Groceries bought online easily and conveniently
- Unlimited access to suppliers of choice
- Full control of product pricing and listing
- Marketing and promotion directly to consumers
- Fast and detailed customer feedback

Eyal Hertzog
Product advisor
Bancor's co-founder, Chief Architect and Head of Product Development. Eyal is a serial entrepreneur, founder of MetaCafe and Contact Networks, outspoken thought leader on blockchain.

Michael Terpin
Community advisor
Founder and CEO of Transform Group, a PR firm with over 40 successful ICOs. Co-Founder and Chairman of BitAngels, a digital currency investor group. Founder and Conference Director at CoinAgenda. Special advisor to the Alphabit Fund

Moe Levin
Community advisor
CEO of Keynote, Executive Committee Member at the Global Blockchain Council, founder at the North American Bitcoin Conference. Moe is a visionary entrepreneur and a recognized leader in the crypto space

Peter Fedchenkov
Brings wealth of retail and tech experience. Previously with Goldman Sachs and IBM. Teaches a class on retail at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. Harvard Business School MBA

Dmitry Zhulin
Experienced venture capital and private equity professional with focus on retail and ecommerce. 5 years of investing experience in bitcoin and crypto-assets. Previously with VTB Capital Private Equity, Rothschild and PwC. University of London, PgD in Finance

Dmitry Khovratovich
Blockchain & Smart Contracts
4 years experience in blockchain and smart contracts. Recognized expert in cryptography and security (12 years, 2,000+ citations). Designer of Argon2 (the winner of the Password Hashing Comptition) and Equihash
AUTHOR :salsa24
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