Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

CEDEX - inovation Industry based diamond blockchain


CEDEX - inovation Industry based diamond blockchain

In general there are two main motivations for investors to buy commodities such as diamonds and precious metals. One is that they expect the commodities given to appreciate their value so as to offer a return on the market. Others only to diversify their portfolios through stable value storage, reducing overall risk.

Diamonds have historically been the most stable commodity, making it an attractive option for investors who are trying to protect against inflation or the stock market. However, diamonds are rarely really used as an investment vehicle by a general investor. Many companies have tried to change that fact over the last decade or two, but all have failed.

And that takes us to CEDEX, the first certified blockchain-based diamond exchange. The remarkable cryptocurrency waves over the last few years have led to many innovations, especially in the financial sector. CEDEX is on the cutting edge of the innovation, and promises to do what all those companies have failed to do in the past. That is, converting diamonds into publicly tradable assets.

Diamonds Reflect on Black Background

One credible point often made by cryptocurrency skeptics is that there is little need for blockchain technology in most industries. Blockchains like Bitcoin are slow and expensive to run, so it's natural to state that they may fail to survive in an industry where they do not solve a significant problem. Diamonds, however, are not one of those industries.

You know, there are some very good reasons that diamonds do not have a public market that is similar to a commodity worth the same as gold and silver. The three biggest of these problems are lack of liquidity, lack of transparent pricing, and lack of standardization. Blockchain technology provides solutions to two such problems - lack of liquidity and transparency. Meanwhile, CEDEX's machine learning algorithm, DEX, presents a new level of transparency and standardization for individual diamond prices.

If you have not heard much about blockchain before, there is one important concept that is important to know. Blockchains can be defined as distributed digital ledgers, and which allows something called decentralization. What that means is essentially that the system can exist and function fully without central authority that governs or maintains it.

Application of CEDEX blockchain technology enables peer to peer (P2P) exchange of diamonds. In other words, individual buyers and sellers can transact directly with each other. There is no longer a need for costly intermediaries to facilitate transactions, and it will produce better value for both parties.

Suppose you have a diamond ring that you no longer want. In the modern diamond market, you will take the diamond to a professional appraiser who has the knowledge and experience to evaluate it. However, the assessed value will be well below the actual market value - possibly between 30 - 50 percent. So As a consequence of diamonds that can not be enabled, it is impossible for the amateurs to participate in the market with professionals unless they are willing to accept such significant losses .

With CEDEX, selling the diamond ring will be a much different process. Your first step is to upload a diamond GIA certificate to DEX, which then analyzes further and gives it a price with an accuracy of more than 99.5 percent. You then list the rings on a decentralized exchange, where amateur and professional buyers alike will be able to buy stones with prices and unprecedented transparency and standardization.

Diamonds With Shadows on the Background of Gray Gradients

When you find an interested buyer, you'll get into a smart contract that ensures that none of you can tear others, and the exchange runs without a hitch. In the end, you'll get more for your diamonds than is ever possible for an amateur seller before CEDEX exists.

The original Cryptocurrency of CEDEX exchange is CEDEX Coin. It will be used for diamond transactions as described above, as well as for the payment of secondary services such as diamond transport, custodianship and insurance, to name just a few of its many functions. As a currency that provides unparalleled transparency and efficiency, CEDEX Coin can quickly evolve into a commonplace ubiquitous exchange medium for the public diamond market.

The first opportunity for investors to buy CEDEX Coin will come with a pre-sale token on March 16th. To sign up for pre-sales or learn more about CEDEX and their innovative technology, check out their website. You can also engage with CEDEX teams and communities in Telegram, as well as by following projects on Facebook and Twitter.

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