Merculet Token Contribution Event - Bounty Program
Merculet is holding a 4-week long Token Contribution Event between March 20, 2018 and April 16, 2018(CST). We would like to provide our supporters an opportunity to be rewarded for generating awareness with the introduction of a bounty program. Participants in the bounty program will be rewarded with Merculet Token. 15,000,000 Merculet Token allocated to the bounty program and will not exceed the cap.
* Your final number of Merculet Tokens =
(Bounty campaign pool / Total number of stakes everyone earned during the campaign) * Number of stakes you earned
If not, 1 stake = 1 Merculet Token (MVP).

Terms and Conditions
General rules
General rules
***All bounty program announcements will be released on our Telegram Bounty Group. ***
The Bounty program starts on the March 20, 2018 and ends on April 16, 2018.
To be qualified to participate in the bounty program, you must be 18 years old or older.
To join the bounty program, please visit our Telegram Bounty Group and register in the google forms.
We check and filter all the registered information daily before each weekly review. For duplicate links, we will only keep one account to one social media link and remove the rest of the duplicates. For invalid links, we will make daily markups, please register again before the next coming review date.
Rewards for each campaign have max individual cap, no extra rewards will be processed beyonds the cap.
All campaigns are reviewed and counted weekly. You can request changes to update your weekly stake status within 7 days after each week review. We will not make any adjustments if it passed the deadline.
We count your activities to stakes and generate the ratio between stakes and tokens in final calculation. All the final rewards will be Merculet tokens.
If you are disqualified for any reason, you will NOT receive any bounty rewards.
All rights reserved by Merculet team, Merculet team can make any changes to rules or terms of condition, if applicable.
For technical support during the bounty campaign, please contact Krypital Bounty Telegram Group.
All reward tokens will be allocated to your Erc20 wallet within 6 weeks of Merculet token contributions end.
A. Bitcointalk Campaign
Merculet team awards the participants with STAKES tokens for publishing quality bitcointalk post or reply about Merculet. For this campaign, you need to follow the steps below to gain stakes. To take part in the Bitcointalk Bounty campaign, apply with this form:
[A1 - Signature Bounty]
1. To join the Signature Bounty, your signature must be held until the end of the campaign (April 20, 2018). If you remove the signature in the middle of the campaign, you will be disqualified.
2. The signature codes and avatar can be found here.
3. We expect you to post 10 constructive posts per week. If you have signature, only 3 posts can be in local board and at least 1 of these posts related to Merculet. If you don't have signature, all your post must include the key words of Merculet and relevant to Merculet. Your base stakes will be assigned as following:

4. Bonus: Make at least 15 quality posts in a week and earn an extra 20% OF STAKES.
5. Each post must contain at least 50 words or more and each reply should be 20 words or more to be eligible. Posts and replies that are less than minimum requirements will be disqualified.
6. Posts must be constructive and on-topic. Spamming, low-quality posts, copy/pasted text, and off-topic posts are disqualified.
7. Multiple account users or spammers will be banned and disqualified.
8. Accounts with negative trust ratings are not accepted. Accounts have any negative thread relevant to Merculet are disqualified.
9. Only posts in the boards below are qualified:
a. Bitcoin Discussion
Development & Technical Discussion
Mining/Technical Support
Project Development
b. Economy Economics
Trading discussion
c. Alternate cryptocurrencies Altcoin Discussion
Announcements (Altcoins)
Mining (Altcoins)
Marketplace (Altcoins)
Speculation (Altcoins)
d. Local
All languages are welcome but please provide an English brief of the post for the Socialcxn team to review.
10. If you join the avatar campaign, you will receive additional Stakes:

[A2 - Referral Bounty]
1. If you invite Bitcointalk users to join our bounty program, you can receive additional Stakes on the condition that the referee being able to do the contribution and earning STAKES as well.
2. For each Hero or Legendary Bitcointalk member you invite to join, you will receive a 1,800/3,600 STAKES bonus, respectively.
3. Participants will receive Stakes per invites as below:

For example, if A invites B (Hero member) + C (Full member) + D (Junior member) to join our bounty program, A can get: 1,250 Stakes — Invite three (3) people to join.
1,800 Stakes — Invite a Hero or Legendary member to join.
3,050 Stakes total
4. Please remind people you invite to fill in your Bitcointalk username in the form when applying.
Above all, your accumulated Stakes will be displayed in the spreadsheet below.

1. To send the link of your published blog or video, fill the form below:
3. All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by Merculet team, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
4. You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website.
5. Articles must be longer than 700 words.
6. Videos must be at least 2 minutes long.
7. The article or description of the video must contain one link to our website and one link to the White-paper.
8. The article or description must also contain a link to your Bitcointalk profile in order to prove your authorship.
9. No ETH address is allowed to included in the blog or video. All your stakes will be canceled if you add any ETH address.
10. Blogging platforms like Medium, Steemit, Newbium, etc. are allowed but only maximum three posts per person to be counted on these platforms.
11. The maximum number of blog posts can be accepted is 3 per week.
12. If you have any questions related to Blog & Media bounty, please contact @Bounty Telegram Group.
[B3 – Translation Bounty]
Merculet awards users who translate the technical white paper.
1. Register here to participate in translation:
2. Translation must be original and done by the user only. Using Google Translate and/or other translation tools are strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
3. Only constructive posts are counted. Spam and unnecessary posts won’t be counted. Spammers will be disqualified.
4. Only ONE translation will be accepted per person. Applications for multiple translations/languages will not be accepted.
5. For each language of translations, only the best one will be awarded. 10,000 tokens reward for the translator and 5,000 tokens for proofreading.
6. Participants need to register first and then submit your finished translation to bounty@krypital.com within 7 days of registration and your submission should not be later than April 9th. Late submission will not be accepted.
7. The following languages have been translated by our team: Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese. So we welcome participants to translate these following languages: Spanish, Indonesian, Russian, Romanian, French, German, Malaysian, Swedish and Hindi. Although we are open to suggestions for other languages, the languages below are currently not needed due to its popularity – Turkish, Ukrainian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Portuguese and Filipino.
8. If you have any questions related to the translation bounty, please contact @Wade through our Telegram Group.
Above all, the number of your Stakes will be displayed in this spreadsheet.
C. Reddit Bounty
1. To take part in the Reddit Bounty campaign, apply with this form below:
3. All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by Merculet staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification.
4. You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website.
5. Minimum number of posts is 2 per week, 5 comments per week.
For your content to be qualified, you need to choose at least one of these three content types below:a. Raise / answer questions about Merculet.
b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Merculet token contribution event.
c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events (token advantages, team members, business model, etc).
6. Upvote at least 5 posts/comments in /r/merculet each week- 100 Stakes per week (you must make your votes public in user profile)
7. Make posts/comments about Merculet n in the relevant subreddits for the ICO for example: /r/ merculet /,r/herocoin, r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto,...- 20 Stakes per post/comment and we will count up to 50 comments&posts each week.
8. To make valid content, posts must contain 100 characters or more and comments should be 20 words or more to be eligible. Posts and comments with less than the valid number of words will not qualified.
9. Users will receive extra varying amounts of Stakes according to the number of upvotes

10. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users with multiple accounts, will be blacklisted.
11. If you have any questions related to Reddit bounty, please fill up the form
12. The number of your extra Stakes is displayed in this spreadsheet.
D. Telegram Bounty
In this campaign, we kindly invite you to join us in our Telegram Bounty. Detail rules can be found as provided below.
[D1 - Telegram Communication Bounty - 180,000 MVP in total]
We welcome everyone who would like to join our official telegram channel, Krypital Bounty Program and contribute your effort. We will select top 16 participants weekly based on your online activities and time in the group, the ranking will be based on our team review and system tracking data. The review standard includes: online time, online activities, communication skills, knowledge of the project, etc. The campaign will start from March 20, 2018 and end at April 16, 2018 based on US CST.

1. To take part in the Telegram Communication Bounty campaign, apply with this form. First come, first serve.
2. Always being creative for content to liven up the atmosphere in the group chatting, aiming to make it as extremely active as possible. We will not put you on the top 16 list if your activity and message number lower than the top 50% of the chatting group, even you are in the top 16.
3. Answering questions constantly in Merculet telegram chatting group in your own language and the “Krypital Bounty Program” telegram chatting group. Especially in the bounty program group, making sure you send the greeting message and the pin message to the newbies who have just been added.
4. We will publish the top 16 and stake each week. In the same circumstance, people who submit the form earlier will be ranked in front of others.
5. People attend this Campaign has the privilege to do the translation review before other registrators.
[D2 - Telegram Community Group Bounty - 180,000 MVP in total]
We welcome you to join our Telegram Community Group Bounty if you are an admin for any Telegram Community Group with certain amounts of members. You will receive stakes if you meet the requirements below to be qualified.
1. To participate this campaign, you need to join the Krypital Bounty Program telegram chatting group. You need to register your information in this form as well.
2. Your community has to be crypto related with minimum 100 members.
3. You must allow Merculet team (admin) to promote the project information in your community. ( If any reason that our admin is removed or can not post, it will be disqualified.)
4. You will get 2,500 extra stakes per week if you pin the message we provide to you.

[D3 - Special Tasks]
In this campaign, we will reserve 240,000 MVP for our loyal participants. We will invite people to join us based on the funs number, performance, and the tasks. The campaign will start from March 20, 2018 and end at April 16, 2018 based on US CST.
E. Social Media Campaign ( FB, Ins, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bonus : 52% in total)
[E1 - Facebook Bounty]
1. To take part in the Facebook Bounty campaign, apply with this form
3. Your account must have at least 500 friends. The number of friends must be public.
4. Your reward rank will be estimated by your followers and your account activity.
a. You need to make 5 or more posts / shares including 1 posts at least each week.
b. You can only repost posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. You can post up to 20 posts/shares per week during the campaign
d. If you do not meet either of those requirements, you will not be qualified to receive Stakes. (see below for rank chart)
e. Your final stakes will be based on your friends and likes number. The likes and shares will help you win more stakes based on the table below.

5. For your Facebook activities to qualify, you need to choose at least one of the three content types below:
a. Raise / answer questions about Merculet.
b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Merculet token contribution event.
c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events (token advantages, team members, business model, etc).
6. To make valid content, posts must contain hashtag #Merculet, 100 characters or more. Posts less than the valid number of words will not qualify.
7. The posts must not be removed from your personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
8. You must be the owner of the Facebook accounts you will use and must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
9. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found using multiple.
10. If you have any questions related to Facebook bounty, please join Bounty Telegram Group.
11. If you join facebook bounty, you must confirm the weekly task by posting them in our dedicated bounty thread between March 20, 2018 and April 16, 2018 CST. The report should contain links to the posts. Please see layout sample of report submission below:
BitcoinTalk User ID:Facebook username:
Facebook URL:
Number of Facebook Followers:
Please list links of POSTS:
Please list links of REPOSTS:
12. The stake number will be released once a week in this spreadsheet.
[E2 - Instagram Bounty]
1. To take part in the Instagram Bounty campaign, apply with this form
3. Your account must be public and have at least 300 authentic followers.
4. Your reward rank will be estimated by your followers and your account activity.
a. You need to make at least 5 post each week.
b. You can only repost posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. you can post up to 20 posts/shares per day during the campaign.
d. Follower/following ratio of your Instagram account must greater than 1.
e. If you do not meet either of those requirements, you will not be qualified to receive Stakes. (see below for rank chart)

5. For your Instagram activities to qualify, you need to choose at least one of the three content types below:
a. Raise/answer questions about Merculet.
b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Merculet token contribution event.
c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events (token advantages, team members, business model, etc).
6. To make valid content, posts must contain hashtag #Merculet, 100 characters or more. Posts less than the valid number of words will not qualify.
7. The posts must not be removed from your personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
8. You must be the owner of the Instagram accounts you will use and must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
9. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found using multiple.
10. If you have any questions related to Instagram bounty, please join Bounty Telegram Group.
11. The stake number will be released once a week in this spreadsheet.
[E3 - LinkedIn Bounty]
1. To take part in the LinkedIn Bounty campaign, apply with this form
3. Your account must be public and have at least 300 authentic followers.
4. Your reward rank will be estimated by your followers and your account activity.
a. You need to make 5 or more posts / reposts including 1 posts at least each week.
b. You can only repost posts that are under 2 weeks old.
c. you can post up to 20 posts/shares per day during the campaign.
d. If you do not meet either of those requirements, you will not be qualified to receive Stakes. (see below for rank chart)

5. For your Instagram activities to qualify, you need to choose at least one of the three content types below:
a. Raise / answer questions about Merculet.
b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Merculet token contribution event.
c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events (token advantages, team members, business model, etc).
6. To make valid content, posts must contain hashtag #Merculet, 100 characters or more. Posts less than the valid number of words will not qualify.
7. The posts must not be removed from your personal page until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
8. You must be the owner of the LinkedIn accounts you will use and must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
9. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found using multiple.
10. If you have any questions related to LinkedIn bounty, please join Bounty Telegram Group.
11. The stake number will be released once a week in this spreadsheet.
[E4 - Twitter Bounty]
1. To take part in the Twitter Bounty campaign, apply with this form:
3. Your account must be public and have at least 500 authentic followers.
4. Your reward rank will be estimated by your followers and your account activity.
a. You need to make 5 or more tweets / retweets including 1 tweet at least each week.
b. You can only retweet tweets that are under 2 weeks old.
c. You can post up to 20 tweets/retweets per day during the campaign.
d. Your twitter account must have at least 90% twitteraudit scores.
e. If you do not meet either of those requirements, you will not be qualified to receive Stakes. (see below for rank chart)

5. For your Twitter activities to qualify, you need to choose at least one of the three content types below:
a. Raise/answer questions about Merculet.
b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Merculet token contribution event.
c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events (token advantages, team members, business model, etc).
6. To make valid content, posts must contain hashtag #Merculet, 100 characters or more. Posts less than the valid number of words will not qualify.
7. Retweets must be from Merculet’s official Twitter account.
8. The tweets must not be removed from your personal Twitter until the end of the bounty campaign. The posts must be public.
9. Twitter accounts must be original and owned by you. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.
10. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users with multiple accounts will be blacklisted.
11. If you have any questions related to twitter bounty, please join Bounty Telegram Group.
12. The stake number will be released once a week in this spreadsheet.
[E5 - Bonus Bounty]
Merculet will offer 1,500 extra stakes to the best quality contributors each week from Bitcointalk, Blog, Youtube, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram campaigns. When quality the same, First Come First Serve based on timestamp.
repost :salsa24
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