Senin, 25 Juni 2018



Hi dears, another interesting project is being started. First of all, for who missed previous entry, what's a cryptocurrency? To be fast and concise, it is a digital medium of exchange. And the next question would be... What's your use? It is also easy to guarantee the security, integrity and balance of your financial statements by means of a network of agents (segmented file transfer or multisource file transfer) that verify (untrust) each other called miners, which are, for the most part, general public and actively protect the network (the web) by maintaining a high rate of algorithm processing, in order to have the opportunity to receive a small tip, which is distributed randomly.

All this racket of cryptomoney has been increasing exponentially, however, most people know nothing about how blockchain technology works, what a smart contract is and how it could be used. For this very reason, I will first of all carefully introduce this type of block chain technology.

Blockchain is a decentralized general ledger. It is a computer network that has an identical copy of the database and changes its status (records) to a common agreement based on pure mathematics. All this means that there is no need for any central server or any entity we trust (e.g. central bank, notaries, banks, paypal, etc.). The blockchain is the technological basis for all cryptomontages, whether Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.
An important part of the blockchain is the smart contracts, a piece of code that is stored in the blockchain network (in each participant's database). It basically defines the conditions to which all parties using the contract agree. Therefore, if the required conditions are met, certain actions are executed. Because the smart contract is stored on all computers on the network, everyone must run it and get the same result. This way users can be sure that the result is correct.

After this brief introduction to the broad topic of Blockchain and Smart Contracts, we can already see that this technology opens many doors to new decentralized businesses and eliminates the need for expensive third parties. Many new companies are now working on this technology, and large companies are testing it in closed networks to collaborate directly with each other without the need for intermediaries. For that reason, there is a lot of projects that are starting to use this new technology. However, not all of them are worth it. We have to read well what each project is dedicated to, what is its whitepaper, its qualified advisors, etc. As I said, blockchain technology has gained popularity due to the hype about cryptocurrencies which has shaken many startups to launch their own cryptocurrencies even without convincing fundamentals. This trend has emerged because new entrants have been more agile in adopting emerging technologies compared to incumbents who are hampered by legacy systems. However, this competitiveness and this advantage enjoyed by the new players may be short-lived, as no economies of scale are taken into account.
For this reason, that is why I choose the best of them through an exhaustive study of the main characteristics. Today, the project I am going to present you is the Instant Assets Tokens, a better way for make property investment easier through the digitization of assets.

Casper API is a new Russian start-up, which has a rather promising future. Its main goal is to connect developers who require services for reliable data storage, and those who can provide them with a valuable space within its framework. It can be either simple users who want to profit without much effort, as well as specialized data centers. The platform promises to be completely decentralized and work on the basis of smart contracts to quickly connect the right partners, while ensuring the complete security of each party.

It is noteworthy that the Casper API has the ability to work with any platform based on the blockchain system with smart contracts, which at the moment is a nonsense in this area.
To use the capabilities of the Casper API, only a custom application is required.

The main advantages of the Casper API platform are the following:
Introducing of smart contracts on the basis of any blockchain platform allows data to be transferred quickly and safely;
Files are encrypted with a trusted code, and are also divided into parts for the transfer, so that third parties cannot access them and take advantage of your intellectual property;
Reliability of the system as a whole, which is provided by duplication of parts, dynamic analysis and correction of failures.

Blokchan is an incredibly advanced technology of its time, which gives many benefits to all its users - both business representatives and their customers. But any system has a significant drawback, for example, in this case, blockchain technology is an overcharge for storing data within the system, and there is also no guarantee that the data will remain completely confidential. The global goal of the Casper API is to solve this problem in the most efficient and reliable way by creating a decentralized data warehouse at a low cost based on blockchain technologies so that your data in any situation remains truly protected and private.

How does the Casper API work? The creators tried to make a really functional, but at the same time cheap hard drive for DApp on the basis of the famous Etherium and other trustworthy blockchain-based platforms. This repository will have all the necessary features and capabilities for your complete reliability - data encryption, all private settings, as well as the ability to download, delete or edit your files.

Backup Save

This feature is used by the system to create multiple copies of the stored data in case they are required for emergencies. Since these files are usually larger on a scale, they are handled by vendors who provide extended storage spaces such as personal servers or internal networks. The backup is expected to be last resort to reacquire data by a user and as such, few requests to be processed are expected from them.

IPFS/P2P connectivity

These are the classic protocols for communication between vendors and sellers and the ones who will be used the most by the platform to connect users who replicate their files. The system distribution will enable permanent storage with no possibility of loss of data or restricted access. IFPS will allow every file to be stored in a cache to be seeded, while P2P will be used for direct access.

Copy Control

Casper API offers the chance to each vendor to get paid by storing files or by making data traffic happen. The number of file copies that run in a data transfer is regulated by the smart contracts, so there is very little chance of discrepancies on the information handled by the vendor. If a particular vendor becomes unavailable, the system will rely on a backup vendor out of four preset choices to keep the ongoing flow of traffic.

Basic/Flexible access system

The Casper API platform will allow users to give direct access to their data in a very direct fashion. The system will be effective for vendors who are handling a lone regular seller. But if the vendors are handling data that is being put out in the open to an extended number of users, they can enable a flexible protocol to connect a restricted amount of people on limited timetables handling up to 2GB of data per download.

File Replication

This feature requires that vendors remain online at all moments, every day of the week to provide enhanced bitrates to handle increased volumes of traffic and improve the reliability of the service. The vendors choosing to work under this scheme should be equipped with powerful computers that allow them to verify data download requests and to validate data transfers.

These are just a few of the options used by the Casper API platform to handle the data offered through their ecosystem.

Maybe just this, the reviews I made in terms of helping and telling everyone to, participate in the ICO or Bounty campaign they run today.

If there is any shortage in this review information, please forgive me for your inconvenience in reading or searching for Information, but do not worry I have provided a link you can visit, to find out more about the Casper API project, and surely you will get reliable Information from the team as well as the Founder of the Casper API project.

All information in great detail you can find on the website of the project Casper API There are also links to all social networks of the project, through which you can receive in detail and in time news and observe the process of development and establishment of the platform.

for more information:


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