Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

VEIAG bounty

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June 05, 2018, 04:30:27 PM
Reply with quote  #1

"VEIAG.com" is LIVE now!!

15,000,000 VEIAG tokens ($3,000,000) are allocated to the bounty program and will not exceed the cap.

Bounty rewards (VEIAG tokens) will be distributed within the 7 campaigns listed below:

πŸ”₯ Twitter Campaign  -  2,625,000 VEIAG ($525K)
πŸ”₯ Facebook Campaign  -  2,500,000 VEIAG ($500K)
πŸ”₯ Video Campaign   -  2,375,000 VEIAG ($475K)
πŸ”₯ Blogs & Articles Campaign  -  2,250,000 VEIAG ($450K)
πŸ”₯ Telegram Campaign  -  2,375,000 VEIAG ($475K)
πŸ”₯ Translation Campaign  -  750,000 VEIAG ($150K)
πŸ”₯ BitcoinTalk Signature Campaign  -  2,125,000 VEIAG ($425K)

(First Update: 06/11)

General Rules:

βœ…   Fill application form for each desired bounty campaign.
βœ…   To participate in the bounty program, you must be at least 18 years old.
βœ…   Rewards for each campaign have a cap and once that cap is reached, rewards will no longer be processed or awarded.
βœ…   Each user can only participate with one account per campaign. Users with double-registrations or duplicate accounts will be permanently banned from program.
βœ…   Campaigns will be reviewed and counted weekly.
βœ…   Rewards for all bounty activities will be VEIAG tokens.
βœ…   If you are disqualified for any reason, you will NOT receive any bounty rewards.
βœ…   The VEIAG team reserves the right to make any changes, if necessary.
βœ…   For technical support during the bounty campaign, please contact us via our Telegram bounty group and message @t.me/VEIAG_bounty
βœ…   Use only predefined content (if available) – promo message for every new week: @t.me/VEIAG_bounty
βœ…   Using fake accounts or trying to cheat our bounties will get you automatically disqualified.
βœ…   Do not use new accounts. Accounts that are less than 30 days old will be disqualified.
βœ…   Send report form/forms for each desired bounty before 10pm EST on Saturdays, every week (if necessary for bounty)

Every Monday at 3pm EST, VEIAG will update the results spreadsheet.

All approved participants will receive their rewards after VEIAG’s ICO. This may take up to 2 weeks after sending tokens via smart contracts.

Twitter Campaign:
2,625,000 VEIAG tokens   ($525,000)
Apply Report Results 


1.   Fill out the application.
2.   Follow @VEIAG_token on Twitter.
3.   Read the main promo-message for the current week. (if available) @t.me/VEIAG_bounty
4.   Retweet at least 5 tweets on @VEIAG_token per week.
5.   Like at least 5 tweets on @VEIAG_token per week.
6.   Post at least 2 tweets per week about VEIAG. 1 tweet per day maximum.
7.   Use cryptocurrency related hashtags and mention @VEIAG_token.
8.   Fill report form until 10pm EST on Saturdays.
9.   See results at 3pm EST on Mondays


πŸ’°   Have more than 200 followers: 40 tokens/weeks   ($8)
πŸ’°   Have more than 500 followers: 60 tokens/weeks   ($12)
πŸ’°   Have more than 1000 followers: 75 tokens/weeks   ($15)
πŸ’°   Have more than 2000 followers: 100 tokens/weeks   ($20)
πŸ’°   Have more than 5000 followers: 125 tokens/weeks  ($25)

Please Note:

βœ…   Your Twitter account must have at least 200 REAL followers.
βœ…   Tweets must be in English.
βœ…   Tweets and retweets with a negative description of VEIAG will be disqualified.
βœ…   Accounts with no content and only shares/retweets will be disqualified.
βœ…   Only one Twitter account per person is allowed.

Facebook Campaign:
2,500,000 VEIAG tokens   ($500,000)
Apply Report Results


1.   Fill out the application.
2.   Like the official VEIAG Facebook page. www.facebook.com/VEIAG/
3.   Read the main promo-message for the current week. (if available) @t.me/VEIAG_bounty.
4.   Complete one or several tasks listed below.
5.   Fill report form until 10pm EST on Saturdays.
6.   See results at 3pm EST on Mondays.


πŸ’°   Write a post on your account
Each post must be at least 300 characters long and the maximum amount of posts per profile is 5 per week and 1 per day.

o   Up to 1000 friends – 75 tokens per post   ($15)
o   Up to 5000 friends – 125 tokens per post   ($25)
o   5000+ friends – 200 tokens per post   ($40)

πŸ’°   Write post on your public page
Each post must be at least 300 characters long. The maximum amount of posts per profile is 5 per week and 1 per day.

o   Up to 5000 likes – 150 tokens per post   ($30)
o   Up to 10,000 likes – 225 tokens per post   ($45)
o   10,000+ likes – 300 tokens per post   ($60)

πŸ’°   Share posts from VEIAG Facebook page
Each share must have unique text and be at least 1 sentence. Maximum account of posts per profile is 5 per week and 1 per day.

o   Up to 1,000 friends / likes – 25 tokens per share  ($5)
o   Up to 5,000 friends / likes – 50 tokens per share  ($10)
o   5,000+ friends / likes – 75 tokens per share   ($15)

πŸ’°   Write comments on VEIAG Facebook page posts
A maximum amount of comment is 1 per post and 15 per week. Comments must be at least 15 characters and accounts posting the same comment will be disqualified.

o   Per Comment - 15 tokens   ($3)

πŸ’°   Place post in Facebook groups that are relevant to ICO, cryptocurrency, blockchain, etc.
The maximum amount of posts per group is 2 per week. A post must be placed at least 24 hours apart and must include the link to VEIAG website. (www.VEIAG.com)

o   Up to 500 members – 50 tokens per post   ($10)
o   Up to 2,000 members – 75 tokens per post     ($15)
o   2,000+ members – 100 tokens per post    ($20)

Please Note:

βœ…   Your posts and number of friends/followers must be public and freely accessible.
βœ…   Posts must be in English.
βœ…   Spam will result in disqualification.
βœ…   Messages, posts, and comments with a negative description will not be counted.
βœ…   Each post/share/comment must be directly related to VEIAG.
βœ…   Each post must link to www.VEIAG.com.
βœ…   Comments on your own posts will not be counted.
βœ…   Posts in groups with no relation with VEIAG, ICO, blockchain and startups will not be counted.
βœ…   Accounts with no content and only shares will be disqualified.
βœ…   You must have at least 200 REAL friends on Facebook.
βœ…   Only one Facebook account per person is allowed.

Video Campaign:
2,375,000 VEIAG tokens   ($475,000)
Apply Report Results


1.   Fill out the application.
2.   Read the main promo-message for the current week. (if available) @t.me/VEIAG_bounty.
3.   Describe VEIAG and its features in your video.
4.   Video has to be encoded at least at 720p resolution (1280x720).
5.   Video must be original and at least 2 minutes long.
6.   Video must be uploaded on YouTube. Uploading to other sites in addition to YT is accepted. You will not receive more tokens by uploading to multiple sites.
7.   Reward is based on the quality and the audience of video.
8.   Fill the form to let us know about your video.
9.   Fill report form until 10pm EST on Saturdays.
10.   See results at 3pm EST on Mondays


πŸ’°   Low quality video: 150-600 tokens   ($30-$120)
πŸ’°   Medium video: 600-1,500 tokens      ($120-$300)
πŸ’°   High quality: 1,050 - 3,000 tokens   ($210-$600)

Please Note:

βœ…   Video must be public and freely accessible.
βœ…   Video must be original and at least 2 minutes long.
βœ…   Video must be in English.
βœ…   Channel where you publish video must be related to ICO/blockchain/crypto topics.
βœ…   Video with negative mention/description of VEIAG will be disqualified.
βœ…   Video with negative responses with be disqualified.
βœ…   Remember that we welcome creativity and can give extra rewards at our discretion in case of qualitative video content.
βœ…   If mention/description of VEIAG is only a part of a video, that part must be at least 20% of the whole video.
βœ…   Only 1 video per week is allowed. You may create more but you will only receive rewards for 1.

Blogs & Articles Campaign:
2,250,000 VEIAG tokens   ($450,000)
Apply Report Results


1.   Fill out the application.
2.   Read the main promo-message for the current week. (if available) @t.me/VEIAG_bounty.
3.   The article/review/blog post must have at least 300 words.
4.   Content must be unique and will be checked for plagiarism or copyright infringement.
5.   Post on your website, blog, or Reddit. All posts and articles must be published online and accessible by everyone.
6.   Article/review/blog post must contain link to the official VEIAG website, Telegram group (@t.me/VEIAG_token) and Twitter (@VEIAG_token).
7.   Fill report form until 10pm EST on Saturdays.
8.   See results at 3pm EST on Mondays


πŸ’°   Articles
o   Low quality: 75 - 300 tokens   ($15-$60)
o   Medium quality: 300 - 750 tokens   ($60-$150)
o   High quality: 750 - 1,500 tokens   ($150-$300)

πŸ’°   Blogs
o   Posting to your own blog (articles or translations): 100 tokens   ($20)
o   Repost non-original article about VEIAG in your blog: 50 tokens   ($10)

Please Note:

βœ…   The audience for the posted article must be crypto related.
βœ…   The website must have a genuine audience. New websites will not be accepted.
βœ…   Blogs must be in English.
βœ…   Posts on Reddit must have at least 8 upvotes to qualify.

Telegram Campaign:
2,375,000 VEIAG tokens   ($475,000)
Apply Report Results


1.   Fill out the application.
2.   Join VEIAG official Telegram group.
3.   Read the main promo-message for the current week. (if available) @t.me/VEIAG_bounty.
4.   Stay in the group until the end of the ICO.
5.   Fill report form until 10pm EST on Saturdays.
6.   See results at 3pm EST on Mondays


πŸ’°   Participate in chats
Join and be active in VEIAG channel. (at least 3 per week) @t.me/VEIAG_token

o   Post at least 3 times per week –  200 tokens /week   ($40 /week)

πŸ’°   Publications in public channels
Publish about VEIAG in other channels. Main topics of channels must be related to blockchain, ico, startup etc. Each publication must link to the VEIAG channels. The maximum amount of publications is 3 per week.

o   Up to 1,000 followers –  100 tokens per publication   ($20)
o   Up to 5,000 followers –  200 tokens per publication   ($40)
o   5,000+ followers –  250 tokens per publication   ($50)

Please Note:

βœ…   Messages and publications with negative descriptions will not be counted.
βœ…   The maximum amount of publications is 2 per day and 7 per week.
βœ…   Messages and publications must be in English.
βœ…   If you publish in channels with no relation to VEIAG, ico, blockchain, etc; you will not receive rewards.
βœ…   Spamming will result in disqualification.
βœ…   Aggressive messages will result in disqualification.
βœ…   Bounty discussion outside of the VEIAG Bounty Telegram (t.me/VEIAG_bounty) will result in disqualification.

Translation Campaign:
750,000 VEIAG tokens   ($150,000)
Apply Report Results

Coming Soon

BitcoinTalk Signature Campaign:
2,125,000 VEIAG tokens   ($425,000)
Apply Report Results

Coming Soon

NOT Allowed:
⚠   Paid advertising mentioning VEIAG.
⚠   Auto Referral (referring and referred parties are one and the same).
⚠   SMS, messenger, social media, e-mail and forum spam (mass personal messages, repeated posts/threads).
⚠   Any attempts to cheat the system will result in immediate account ban and loss of earned tokens.
⚠   Any negative description of VEIAG.

β€œComment #authenticate after applying!”

"VEIAG.com" is LIVE now!!
repost :salsa24

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