Today Crypto Currency is becoming mainstream. As a result, the profits to be made from trading Cryptocurrency have become very well known, through friends, colleagues and the media. Stories of people turning a small piece of capital into exponential growth, a large nest egg, by investing in and trading Cryptocurrency.
Although Crypto is becoming mainstream there is still an enormous amount of the population who don’t fully understand how it works and how to use it. People who don’t know how to setup a Crypto wallet, buy currency, read the market signs, in order to know when to trade. The Cyber Capital Invest mission is to offer our users the most flexible and secure cryptocurrency investment fund with a highly profitable business model.
BitClassic (B2C) is a digital currency that can be sent between people via the internet. BitClassic remains true to the original vision of cryptocurrency, the financial system owned by its users, folk coins. BitClassic is not controlled by large banks or mining hardware manufacturers and can be mined by anyone profitably, official site
The platform being developed in this project is:
To get started in this program it is very easy to get through this method, you just need to hold the coin in your BitClassic-Qt purse. Generate up to 7% return per year through POS mining. Coin mining, you can set your mind to mine BitClassic coin, then suggest you to join the mining.Mining pool is a group of number of users who collect their resources cooperatively to solve the math and rewards solutions used to distribute individually according to their work which submitted to the pool.
And the thing that becomes the need after getting the coin from the mining you can buy and sell BitClassic Coins at different price points and make a profit from the same.You can buy BitClassic coins at a lower price and sell them at a higher price, according to the price offered in transactions.
BitClassic is an open source based blockchain, decentralized cryptocurrency that enables instant payments to anyone with minimal transaction costs. BitClassic also lets you earn interest to help maintain network security by holding B2C in the Qt Desktop wallet that connects to the network and allows transactions to flow through it. Limited resources similar to gold, you can be assured that BitClassic will keep your money safe from personal interests and ensure that transaction costs are proportioned and shared between a large number of miners. With BitClassic you can actually become your own bank.
Features offered from the Bitclassic platform:
- Quickly
BitClassic Coin sis is even faster than Bitcoin, our block technology chain enables BitClassic Coin capabilities beyond Bitcoin and other digital cashes when it comes to speed of money transactions.
BitClassic will use PoW and PoS algorithms to secure blockchain networks, enabling miners and shareholders to earn interest in terms of transaction costs or return on mining. -BitClassic
Minimum Transaction
Charge allows you to pay very low fees for each transaction.
- Protection
To ensure the safety of the Bitcoin ecosystem, BitClassic has implemented full replay protection and unique wallet addresses, an important feature that protects users and their coins from certain types of accidents and malicious threats.
- Transparency
BitClassic is a free open source software project built by volunteer developers and supported by the fast growing Bitcoin fan community that spans across the globe.
-Developers & Active Teams
Our major developers & teams continue to work to pursue advancements in blockchain technology.We have an open source community where we share info and implement advanced features.Our focus is building strong relationships with other blockchain developers & learning, sharing with those other.
- The Web Wallet
This is a safe and easy way to send BitClassic to friends or family.Your personal key controller, the merchant can also use his tablet or phone to receive BitClassic payments without downloading any apps.The only thing you need is the internet.
- Decentralization
Using blockchain technology, transactions are made directly between users.
The Way to Coin Mining
To get results from mining there is something to do, First you need to download B2C Wallet according to your OS.Currently, we provide wallet for Windows & Linux.Click the following link to download files / for windows operating system and Linux operating system.Please note if you get error in mining in cpuminer, that means you can not mine with POW. You should start mining with POS. To mine with POS, you have to buy and invest BitClassic coins. You can buy BitClassic from this website.
To attract miners, the most interesting conditions with a good reward have been created for them. Does everyone understand the work of miners? Mining is when a computer creates new blocks. It creates them by encryption, the process produces different combinations, but it needs a combination that meets certain conditions. And whose computer creates a new block faster, he gets a reward. In order to simplify this process, collect mining pools. The pool creates blocks thanks to the common computers power of the miners group. And the reward is distributed among all participants of the pool, depending on the provided power volume. Pools are profitable, because your computer can create a block for many years, and not having time to do it first. So miners are also looking for favorable conditions now, because some cryptocurrencies do not bring the profit that have been before. BitClassic can provide favorable conditions for mining.

Steps to start mining with CPU
1.Open your wallet and make sure you connect to another wallet.
You connect if you see an icon in the lower right corner of your wallet.
Close your wallet and create a bitclassic.conf file in the "% APPDATA% \ BitClassic" folder.
Insert the following text into bitclassic.conf and save the file.
rpcuser = b2c_user
rpcallowip =
rpcport = 4210
listen = 1
server = 1
addnode =
Download the latest version of cpuminer from here (search in accordance with capacity) and extract the zip file.
Create a .bat file named mine.bat and paste the following text into mine.bat.
minerd --url = http: // 4210 --userpass = b2c_user: 8cde534345cb4c495d1a 5.Save the
file inside the extracted cPuminer folder.Open your wallet and run mine.bat to start mining your first coin.
Bitclassic Coin Specification BitClassic
Name: BitClassic
Abbreviation: B2C
Algorithm: Scrypt
Total Coin Supply: 21 Million
Block Reward: 25
Percentage Proof-Stake Coins : 7% Per Year
Coinbase Maturity: 50
Target Block Period: 1 Block of
Transaction Confirmation: 6 Blocks
Spaces Target: 64 Seconds
POW Block Last: 10000
Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of Bitclassic.
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