Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018



The virtual currency also known as virtual money is a type of unregulated digital money, which is issued and is usually controlled by the developer except Bitcoin and is used and accepted among members of a particular virtual community.In 2014, the European Banking Authority defined virtual currency as a digital representation of the value that is not issued by the central bank or public authority, is not always attached to fiat currency, but is accepted by nature or legal person as a means of payment and can be transferred, stored or traded electronically. In contrast digital currency issued by the central bank is defined as the central bank's digital currency.



Vidy is the world’s first decentralized ad network, powered by the ethereum blockchain. Vidy’s ad platform allows advertisers to embed video ads directly into hyper-relevant website text, improving user experience, ad conversions and publisher payments.With just a hold, users can now reveal tiny hyper-relevant videos embedded in the text of any page on the web, unlocking a whole new dimension of the internet. All ads are placed with an NLP consensus protocol driven by miners.With a team of veteran engineers, industry-leading advisors and world-class brand partners, Vidy is on it’s way to reinventing online advertising, e-commerce, and entertainment

Vidy has invented the first single-page invisible embed layer for video, run on the Ethereum blockchain.With just a hold, users can now reveal tiny hyper-relevant videos hidden behind the text of any page on the web, unlocking a whole new dimension to the internet.

Publishers and advertisers get acccess to a dashboard where they can manage their campaigns and upload their video advertisements. They can adjust live campaigns, view statistics on each campaign and individual video ad’s performance, and see analyrics on users and publishers to evaluate how they are performing and iterate copy and creative accordingly.

How Vidy decentralized ad Blockchain Coin Works

VidyCoin is Vidy’s ERC20 utility token and the currency of Vidy’s Ad Ecosystem.Advertisers purchase ad placements using VidyCoin and that VidyCoin is received by publishers and by the miners who run Vidy’s NLP protocol to place those ads.For the first time ever, when you see a Vidylink and hold down to watch that vidy ad, you earn money. Vidy compensates you with Vidy Coin (VIDY) for each second that you hold down. The longer you hold, the more you earn. You can even make a purchase on that video using your Vidy Coin with just one tap.

Using Vidy Ecosystem

VidyCoin (VIDY) derives its utility in 3 main ways. You earn VIDY every time you hold down on an ad, you use VIDY to make purchases in one tap on ads, and VIDY is required to stake as fuel for all ad campaigns on the platform. 
A Revolution to both the Ad & Blockchain Industry
The most exciting part about Vidy is that there is NO SWITCHING COST involved at all for users. Users simply continue to read news or articles on the web as per normal, but now are able to experience Vidy with just a simple hold. Each time Vidy integrates with a major publisher, Vidy gains all the userbase of that publisher. It is one of the most scalable business models in the blockchain world.With rewards being “airdropped” into the hands of users as they unveil ads, it is the first time that an ICO project is able to reach out on a massive scale, not just to the crypto community, but also everyone else. This creates massive exposure to VidyCoin as Vidy continues to integrate with all major publishers in the world.It is the first time an ICO project brings together traditional business and blockchain in a feasible and scalable manner, creating lots of value to everyone in the ecosystem. This is just the beginning of the revolution.

Token Detailed:

Road Map

Question 1 2018
Build on 2017 Infrastructure
Assemble the advisory team
Finish demo product
Prepare for ICO

Q2 2018
Operate the Vidya ICO
Beta Launch Forum
Pilot with publishers
Refine the advertisement platform

Q3 2018
Expand indexed sites
Unveil OTP in Production
Release control dashboard
Integrate blockchain pieces

Q4 2018
Launch 10 Web Hooks
Grow the database of Vidys
Get 100 Top Advertisers
Launch User Data Container

Question 1 2019
Launch Forum V1
Index 1 million publisher pages
Release full dashboard
Finalize the NLP Consensus Layer

Q2 2019
Unblock BlockChane KV1
Launch a Mining-Driven Protocol
Index 10 million Publisher Pages
Expand on all web properties


The Vidy’s Leadership Team
The Vidy story begins at Harvard, where Patrick Colangelo founded the company in his dorm. Today, Vidy boasts a world-class engineering team based in San Francisco with team members who have previously sold their own companies, amassed 10s of millions of users, patented multi-million-dollar inventions, and have enjoyed decades of successes in the software development world.The Vidy team has been together for years, bonded by mutual admiration, friendship, and ambition to build a platform that can truly change human lives for the better.
Patrick Colangelo (Founder)
Matthew Lim (Co-Founder)
Dan Sullivan (Strategy)
Jake Rosin (Engineering)
Marco Vanossi (Engineering)
Garrett Wilson (Engineering)
Arria Owlia (Engineering)
Nicholas Kubiac (Engineering)
Harry Yang (Deep Learning)
Luke Goh (Design)

All the important information about the Vidy Coin project can be found here: 


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