deleted articles, news pieces, posts and tweets

Today I want to tell you about a very promising project.I want to introduce you an unusual resource https://undelete.news/ . What is unusual about this service? The most proven way to avoid public shame online - it's nothing to write in blogs, do not register in social networks and do not post "controversial" photos. But if you still need, then celebrities should remember that now the blunders will not disappear.
Undelete.news is a news aggregator that aims to make the Internet media and celebrities more responsible for what they publish. It keeps copies of everything they create and puts everything they edit or delete in the spotlight.
Any user of Undelete news can track any person or celebrities on social networks, even if they are not on our website.
Memory is a revolutionary data warehouse that uses blockchain technology as the basis for its development. The mission of Memory is to create a self-sufficient ecosystem that includes many applications to meet the needs of companies, government organizations and people in the ultra-secure storage of all kinds of valuable data.
That is, all the tweets, news, posts and deleted articles, all will be stored using Memory (fully decentralized, ultra-secure encrypted data storage on the blockchain) you yourself can add a celebrity to the list of people whose activities you would like to track.
What is News? Definitions range from simple, general ones such as "anything people don't know" and "anything that's new,"to "timely information" and "what people want to know." According to the commonly used "water cooler" definition, news is whatever the office staff is discussing aroundthe water cooler. However, the definition of news can andshould be much more complex. Additionally, journalists must consider that while there may be no limit to what people want to know, what they need to know is another matter entirely.
News is important for a number of reasons within a society. Mainly to inform the public about events that are around them and may affect them.
Often news is for entertainment purposes too; to provide a distraction of information about other places people are unable to get to or have little influence over. News can make people feel connected too.
News is important as a social gathering space too, hence newspapers either online or physical place an emphasis on news. Where there are a lot of people gathered there is opportunity to advertise. This advertising sometimes can cause a conflict of interest in the way news is reported.
But nowadays many media or celebrity who are not responsible in publishing content that can cause many problems in the community. Often the police are made difficult to find their posts, because they deliberately delete the content they have published.
This is what makes Undelete.News intend to present a platform that will make internet media and celebrities more responsible for what they post. This keeps a copy of everything they make and places whatever they edit or delete into the spotlight.
Undelete.News - The Art of Undeletablity
Undelete.News allows a post from anyone stored and cannot be deleted. This is possible, because Undelete.News uses Memority (a decentralized blockchain based encrypted data storage) to ensure that data will not be lost or falsified.).
Memority is a revolutionary data storage, which uses blockchain technology as the basis for its development. Memority's mission is to create a self-sufficient ecosystem that includes a variety of applications to meet the needs of businesses, government organizations and individuals in ultra-secure storage of all types of valuable data.
The Memority API allows third-party developers to create desktop and online apps for decentralized encrypted storage of various types of data without a lengthy investigation into technical details of the blockchain technology. Developers of such applications are rewarded with part of all data storage payments for files that were uploaded with their apps.
You'll see all posts that have been deleted, edited, published, and so on. Undelete Command.news creates an international version of the site, each version of which will have its own set of media and celebrities. In its useful resource, many media should think that in the pursuit of a loud headline, many can not avoid the temptation to twist a little what is happening and thus attract the audience, then clean up the article and voila — it was so, but with Undelete.news will be different. Now nothing escapes our careful eye, and the media and celebrities may have a chance not to lie to us. In partnership with Memory, the company Undelete.news is sure to be a success. Right now, the platform is Memority ICO, left quite a bit to 5 000 000 softcap.
More info in:
Website: https://undelete.news/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/undelete.news/
Telegram: https://t.me/UndeleteNews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UndeleteNews
Website: https://undelete.news/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/undelete.news/
Telegram: https://t.me/UndeleteNews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UndeleteNews
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