Minggu, 23 Desember 2018

🔥Innovaminex - Blockchain Untuk Logam Berharga🔥

🔥Innovaminex - Blockchain Untuk Logam Berharga🔥

Blockchain adalah teknologi masa depan, yang memungkinkan batas-batas bisnis. Ini dapat digunakan di bidang apa pun, termasuk penambangan, dan khususnya, dalam penambangan emas. Proyek Innovaminex dirancang untuk menghubungkan ekonomi riil dengan properti virtual dan memungkinkan setiap individu atau entitas untuk berinvestasi dalam proyek nyata dan menerima manfaat dan manfaat dari penjualan dan pemrosesan emas. dari tambang. Salah satu fitur utama dari proyek ini adalah penggunaan teknologi modern untuk membuat model bisnis baru di bidang penambangan emas, mengurangi biaya dan meningkatkan keamanan bagi pengguna akhir untuk mengakses. dengan produk yang lebih baik dengan kondisi terbaik.

Era baru telah kembali ke teknologi unit area dinamis di seluruh dunia. Sepertinya tidak akan, sekarang adalah kenyataan. Saat perubahan filsafat alam telah kembali. Sudah waktunya untuk menyelamatkan banyak dunia. Jadi mari kita lihat apa proyek Innovaminex

Innovaminex adalah proyek penambangan berbasis blockchain yang memastikan ketertelusuran emas dan logam mulia lainnya, mengendalikan ekstraksi, transportasi, dan pemrosesan produk jadi. Proyek ini menggunakan teknologi terdesentralisasi untuk menyimpan seluruh proses penambangan, dari logam mulia hingga tambang hingga mencapai konsumen akhir, serta memungkinkan pembeli memverifikasi sumber logam yang telah mereka beli atau produk yang terbuat dari logam. Dengan cara ini, kita masing-masing dapat yakin bahwa produk emas atau perhiasan lain yang mereka beli benar-benar legal dan berharga.

Saat ini, orang mencoba untuk mendiversifikasi investasi mereka dan menggunakan berbagai bidang berbeda seperti real estat, koin lama, stok perusahaan besar, logam mulia. Opsi investasi terakhir adalah mendapatkan momentum setiap hari dan merupakan alat yang stabil dan efektif.

Emas dan perak adalah yang paling populer di antara logam mulia karena sifat fisik dan kimianya yang baik yang bertahan lama. Jumlah aplikasi mereka cukup luas, mulai dari perhiasan hingga investasi yang sama.

Setiap tahun, ekstraksi mereka mencapai beberapa ton dan tidak semua organisasi pertambangan secara ketat memantau kemurnian kegiatan mereka, yang menghasilkan perubahan negatif pada flora dan fauna dan polusi lingkungan secara keseluruhan.

Dan tentu saja, bagaimana mungkin tanpa penipu yang dapat menjual palsu kepada pelanggan yang terkadang menemukan kesulitan untuk menemukan penilai profesional yang baik dan membeli batu sederhana. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengatasi kekurangan ini di bidang ini, sebuah proyek bernama Innovaminex sedang dibuat.

Innovaminex adalah pasar terdesentralisasi untuk penjualan logam mulia digital dengan informasi lengkap dan andal, yang mencakup semua data dan diwujudkan hanya dari organisasi yang secara ketat mematuhi semua standar produksi teknologi dan lingkungan.

Gagasan ini memungkinkan pembeli untuk memverifikasi keaslian dan konsistensi sampel logam mulia, tanpa adanya penipuan, dan kemurnian ekstraksi. Dengan bantuan token milik INX sendiri, proyek ini akan membantu meningkatkan jumlah orang yang dapat memperoleh logam ini dalam beberapa klik dari mana saja di dunia.

Tidak seperti proyek lain yang hanya memiliki ide dan dokumentasi teknis, mereka memiliki tujuh poin siap untuk produksi dan mereka berencana untuk memulai operasi mereka di awal 2019. Platform ini juga akan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan lain yang melakukan kegiatan hukum untuk penjualan dan pembelian logam mulia.

Operasi akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan token digital INX, yang memberikan diskon pada pembelian ingot dan jumlah totalnya adalah 300 juta. Tim berencana untuk memasok ATM untuk membeli emas dan logam mulia lainnya.

Penjualan token dimulai hari ini dengan bonus 30% dan terdiri dari empat fase, pembelian minimum dalam jumlah satu token INX, proyek telah menyimpulkan beberapa perjanjian kemitraan dengan perusahaan-perusahaan terkenal.

Startup ini memiliki alasan yang serius dan solid untuk memulai awal yang baik dan efektif untuk mendigitalkan semua jenis barang dan jasa menggunakan teknologi blockchain, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menerima informasi otentik, beroperasi tanpa perantara, dan menjaga semua transaksi tetap rahasia dan aman.

Innovaminex project details and INX token.
- Token: INX 
- ICO Day: 26/11/2018 - 09/12/2018 
- ICO price: 1 INX = 0.5 USD 
- Bonus: Yes 
- Bounty: Yes  
- MVP / Prototype: Yes 
- Acceptance of contributions: BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, DASH, ETC, USDT, XRP 
- Soft cap: $ 10,000,000 
- Hard cap: 52,500,000 USD 
- Country: Estonia 
- Whitelist / KYC: Yes

Innovaminex diatur ke pengembangan sistematis dan jika Anda menginginkan informasi lebih lanjut tentangnya, lalu klik tautan di bawah ini:


CONTENTS PROTOCOL: Decentralize Contents Industry

CONTENTS PROTOCOL: Decentralize Contents Industry


Today i want to presentation about a good project this called content protocol
The best revolution that has occurred to this life is the introduction of blockchain technology with its decentralization features; it disrupt the previous system by taking power from the centralized body to the users. This technology will be so helpful in many sectors if adopt and utilize especially in contents platform.

However, in the previous centralized system, people consume contents and the major benefits goes to the controller of the platform while the creators benefits little or non. In sort, content creators pay high commission fees and also pay for unnecessary license just to publish their contents. All these are challenges which need to be address simply because the current system does not make the industry move forward the way it expected.

Contents Protocol has taken into study and sees blockchain technology as the solution to these challenges by decentralizing the content creation ecosystem where the creators can manage everything by themselves; this lead to the creation of Contents Protocol.

  • FOR CONTENT CREATORS: Content creators are basically artists who use their creativity to impact the world, it might be movies or music or TV shows but in other to show their content to the world, they need platform services to do that, for example, a TV show needs a TV station to showcase it's shows to the world and a musician needs music streaming platforms to play their songs and as these platforms usually acts as a middleman between the content creators and the consumers, they tend to abuse that power because content creators need data in the form of feedback from consumers in other to refine their crafts and deliver what the consumers want but these platforms tend to hoard this data and only utilize it in ways that would benefit them and these sometimes leads to the decline of the content.
  • FOR CONSUMERS: Consumers gives these platforms their personal informations, reviews and feedbacks and general data that are very valuable and should be paid for, but these platforms do not give the consumers any sort of compensation for this data and these has made many consumers reluctant to part with any valuable data such as reviews that would be valuable for the Content Creators.


Are you a content creator who is being short-changed by existing platforms and is being deprived of much needed data or modified data that would only benefit the platforms and not your craft? Are you an enthusiastic content consumer who feels that the reviews and feedbacks that you give to these platforms that you utilize should compensate you for your valuable contributions to their platform? If your answer to these questions is YES, then I have good news for you, I want to introduce you to a futuristic service that would be telling these problems with the much acclaimed Blockchain Technology, the name of this Platform is Contents Protocol


The centralized content platform is like an adage that said “monkey is working, Bamboo is chopping”. The users of the platform consumes the contents and all data being render to the owner of the platform without any return benefit to the consumers. Again, the creators benefit few percentage of what they out to earn from the contents they created. There are also uncertainty and non transparency in activities of the centralized platform which could not be trace.
Contents Protocol is the way forward in this ecosystem; it brings decentralization into this ecosystem. The Contents Protocol ideology will make users benefits from the contents they consumed and also make the contents creators share the larger percentage of the their efforts.

  • The number benefits of Contents Protocol platform is that content creators will earn as per what they deserve unlike the previous system that only the centralized body share the larger part.
  • The contents creators will pay less licence and other kinds of fees through this platform.
  • The Contents Protocol platform will make the consumers of contents benefit from the platform.


Contents Protocol already introduced a token that will be used for services of this platform; the token are termed ‘CPT token’ and CP Power.
This two token has different means of using it;
The CPT tokens are utilize on Contents Protocol platform for making payments either for buying contents or subscription services from the contents creators and also for trading.
In the other side, the CP Power token is used for growing and staking of network.


For the sake of raising fund to support the project for them to achieve their goals, an ICO events is introduced. The platform already partners with other great platform and you too can be a beneficiary by getting this token at this stage.

Ticker: CPT
Token Standard: ERC-20
Token Type: Utility Token
Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 CPT
Exchange Rate: 1 CPT= 0.0015 USD
Tokensale Start: December 17th


Contents Protocol is not just a paper project but a standard projects with real potential, a sub-project of WATCHA. I believe many of us might have known much about WATCHA? This is one of the most recognize media firm in the Asian market. So Contents Protocol is the only way content industry can move forward to the expected height.


For more information about Content Protocol, kindly visits any of the links below:


BITCOIN SPORT - Creating a Crypto Exchange Market on the Vkontakte Social Network and Trading Platform

BITCOIN SPORT - Creating a Crypto Exchange Market on the Vkontakte Social Network and Trading Platform

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the BITCOIN SPORT project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you see their vision and mission, below:

The project started in January 2018. We began to develop a project on advertising in social networks at the peak of interest in cryptocurrency. Our real token went up by more than 1200% since the beginning of the year with a large amount of sales at the start. We have investors about the experience of more than 12 years in the network. Now we are here. Stay with us! With us your investment will bring you millions and billions of dollars!

Dynamics of the coin course from September 7 to November 27, 2018.

Bitcoin Sport ( https://bitcoin-sport.org/ - BSport token, exchange identifier 7ogZiMyzWcAdPPk8QTcLRaxPUDaUADiiLXEGcJjFu9qf on the decentralized Exchange DEX multiwheel cryptowallet https://waveswallet.io/ or https://client.wavesplatform.com/) is a decentralized public cryptocurrency project based on the technology blockchain – token of the coin of the instant money transfer system and the multicurrency Waves cryptowallet based on WavesPlatform, supported by the CryptoCurrency Fund of the BS and the Fund for Investments in Internet Projects, which additionally provides liquidity, advertising support for the project and, ultimately, coins.

To open a wallet, register here: https://waveswallet.io/ (multicurrency crypto) or here https://client.wavesplatform.com/Instructions for using the wallet: https://support.wavesplatform.com/?lang=en

Objective of the project

The goal of the project is to create a crypto exchange market in the social network Vkontakte and a trading platform combined with a cryptocurrency wallet for several cryptocurrencies, where various crypto assets and title signs of the leading exchange assets (oil, gas, gold, shares of the largest companies) will be available for trading – analogue forex, game and exchange services on the blockchain. In the system it is planned to envisage the possibilities of sports betting on the blockchain, where they will be able to play sports betting.

Bitcoin Sport coins are provided with “digital gold” – several well-known and highly liquid cryptocurrencies. In the portfolio of the cryptocurrency fund associated with the coin, today there are several popular coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin-cash, Waves ana others.

We care about maintaining the high liquidity of the coin. On most of these coins and tokens (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin-cash, Waves) the coin changes freely in both directions (buying / selling) on the decentralized crypto exchange DEX (the third tab of the multi-currency cryptowallet https://waveswallet.io or https://client.wavesplatform.com )

The project token was created on the basis of WavesPlatform, but in the future we plan to partially switch to the Ethereum platform and create a separate blockchain
Total limit of 21 million coins (the circulation is similar to the original bitcoin)
Additional issue of coins is impossible, which distinguishes it from the monetary units that are subject to inflation.
Number of decimal places – 8
Date of creation – 01/16/2018
Date of access to the decentralized exchange DEX – 01/19/2018
Transaction time – max 15-30 seconds
The transaction price between purses – 0.001 Waves (less than $ 0.01) – is tied only to quotations of waves.
The price of placing an order to buy or sell a coin on a decentralized exchange DEX – 0.003 Waves (less than $ 0.03)
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to do not forget to refill your account in the Waves cryptocurrency ($ 2-3), for trading this and other coins on the decentralized DEX crypto exchange.


Mission and Philosophy

Bitcoin Sport is more than just a cryptocurrency project. This is a technological system that can work with financial applications around the world. This is the future of trade and business. Spiritual philosophy of the project is development, sport and self-improvement.

Bitcoin Sport is an evolving project that is created, promoted and perfected thanks to a team of leading programmers and Internet entrepreneurs, investors and supporters of blockades.

Competitive advantages
We are trying to ensure that Bitcoin Sport is fast, easy, secure, profitable for investors and flexible for millions of users. An important competitive advantage of Bitcoin Sport is that it combines confidentiality with regulation, which our investors have already highly appreciated, as this provides greater financial attractiveness of the project.

Price policy

The largest investors are more likely to set the tone for the dynamics of the coin quotes, not wanting to sell it below a certain level of prices against the background of growing demand, setting a positive trend for quotations.

Opening a wallet

To open a wallet, register here: https://waveswallet.io/ (multicurrency cryptowallet) or here https://beta.wavesplatform.com/Instructions for using the wallet: https://support.wavesplatform.com/?lang=en

Bitcoin Sport ID on the DEX exchange(the third tab on https://waveswallet.io/ or https://client.wavesplatform.com/ ) – 7ogZiMyzWcAdPPk8QTcLRaxPUDaUADiiLXEGcJjFu9qf (insert instead of any other currency). It is traded to Waves, Bitcoin, USD, Waves.

(on the decentralized exchange DEX)

Bitcoin / Bitcoin sport
BTC / 7ogZiMyzWcAdPPk8QTcLRaxPUDaUADiiLXEGcJjFu9qf (see on the right in popular pairs, by entering the identifier of one of the currencies)

ETH / Bitcoin Sport
BTC / 7ogZiMyzWcAdPPk8QTcLRaxPUDaUADiiLXEGcJjFu9qf (see on the right in popular pairs, by entering the identifier of one of the currencies)

Waves / Bitcoin sport
WAVES / 7ogZiMyzWcAdPPk8QTcLRaxPUDaUADiiLXEGcJjFu9qf (see on the right in popular pairs, by entering the identifier of one of the currencies)

USD / Bitcoin sport
USD / 7ogZiMyzWcAdPPk8QTcLRaxPUDaUADiiLXEGcJjFu9qf (see on the right in popular pairs, by entering the identifier of one of the currencies)

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their crowd sales through the following links:



Minggu, 16 Desember 2018



Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the Imusify project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:

The imusify platform is designed to provide artists with autonomy, higher income, and transparent transactions between service and product suppliers. imusify’s open-source, self-publishing platform also creates an efficient and lucrative system for content creators to network and collaborate, while maintaining complete control over their work.

The platform serves a variety of uses to different user types, serving as a news app, a messenger and networking space, an incubator, a music discovery platform, a marketplace for trading goods and services, a discussion forum, or a unique combination of these functions that provides the most enjoyment for each user. The imusify platform also offers an open innovation space to launch new products, features, tools, and services across the value chain of the music industry and beyond.

imusify’s mission is to provide an open-source innovation space for developing new means of music distribution, consumption, and engagement. imusify is building a music smart economy to allow for direct exchange of value between artists, fans, and other stakeholders, giving our community the power to control the future of the music industry.

Key Components:

1.Crowdfunding Engine
On the platform, artists can launch crowdfunding campaigns to fund music products like albums, videos, and tours. Artists have the power to offer, if they choose, a reward to their supporters in the form of early access to content, tickets, merchandise, and VIP fan experiences. Artists also have the option to engage supporters more fully by providing affiliate licenses, where fans who support an artist can profit directly by promoting and selling content within their networks. 

2.Transparent and fair payments
As a music sharing platform, imusify automatically compensates artists on a per-stream basis by distributing funds directly to the imusify wallets of the individual or group of the given song’s rights holders. 

3.Marketplace of Music Industry Participants
imusify is a place for all aspiring entrepreneurs, artists, and industry members to network and create communities. This marketplace allows participants to execute transactions pertaining to various business development or creative services and products including videography, production, advertising, content design, promotion and all other media-related or creative content. 

4.Reward System
In addition to rewarding artists for streaming royalties of their creative content (music), imusify’s reward system is designed to incentivize quality contribution and curation on the platform by rewarding creators of social content (posts, playlists, comments) for certain actions. To promote the sustainability of imusify’s ecosystem and motivate quality engagement between users, the reward model has been adapted to eliminate the
need for a “reward pool” of tokens by facilitating user-to-user rewards, as opposed to imusify-to-user rewards. 

5.Decentralized Exchange
In order for artists and various user types to interact intuitively with the platform and conveniently realize their payments and rewards, it is crucial for there to exist a simple and convenient means to exchange IMU tokens to fiat and other currencies.

6.Co-evolutionary copyright management
Harnessing the security and immutability of imusify’s decentralized data ledger, imusify will implement a multi-layered protocol that allows content creators to manage ownership rights and licensing information.

Target Audience

Content Creators : With varying types of content on the imusify platform, creators can range from a listener, a new artist or an executive producer. 
The “Crypto-Community” : It is apparent that cryptocurrencies are more than an alternative form of payment and have already begun to change the global economic landscape over the past few years with the implementation of the existing blockchain technology.
The “Executive” : Artists rely on various other stakeholders to aid them with production and promotion of their music. In the traditional music economy, such executives and businesses receive partial ownership on the music, and are entitled to royalty payments.
The “Influencer” : Established industry professionals and well-known artists come to the platform to share their own songs, produce new content, collaborate with other artists, and mentor new talent.

System Architecture

The imusify platform uses user personas to categorize user interactions and reward IMU tokens accordingly. When an individual signs up to use the platform they receive an user identity. The user withholds all identity information and serves as the reputation point for personas to be created on top of it. New personas are created either automatically, when a mUser commits a certain action, or by voluntarily creating a new persona to conduct a certain action. Personas and asset classifications are architectural system components used to build an organized and seemless UX for users to conduct different actions.

  • Consumer Persona
  • Artist Persona
  • Collaborator Persona
  • Venue Persona
  • Content Asset
  • Project Asset
  • Campaign asset

Token Flow

The ϑ IMU utility token will be made available to the public via a tokensale event. The token will be listed on several exchanges following the conclusion of the tokensale. The value of the ϑ IMU token will float based upon the current traded value.

The token acts as a utility by allowing new or existing users to redeem their ϑ IMU tokens for platform fuel. The imusify platform uses fuel as an accounting system for exchanging value between users. Fuel is not a currency, it simply represents the value of ϑ IMU in the user’s preferred currency, and allows users to realize the token’s value as a utility by conducting transactions with other users on the platform. When users bring their IMU to the platform, they receive an amount of credits equal to the ϑ IMU’s current trading value.

Crypto Exchanges
Users can buy or sell IMU on public exchanges. The IMU token is a floating currency.

Platform Entry
Upon entering the imusify platform, users exchange their IMU for IMU fuel. IMU fuel is simply a “credit” of IMU value denominated in USD or the user’s preferred currency.

Token Distribution
The total supply of 1,000,000,000 ϑ IMU tokens will be distributed in an effort to maintain the longterm value of the imusify platform and network, while taking into consideration the basic economic factors that can affect the viability of a utility token. 

Token name : imusify 
Soft Cap : $1,000,000
Symbol : ϑ IMU 
Hard Cap : $25,000,000
One Billion Tokens Issued
Distribution Of Token

Use of Funds


To find more relevant details from the Imusify project, please follow a number of sources for the following references:




Hello everyone how are you? How about the project of your choice? Have you find a favorite project for youself?
On this occasion I came again to fill the BUUCOIN ICO's blog with a very extraordinary project where this project is a data analysis platform based on artificial intelligence or AI of course this will greatly facilitate us and make our time more efficient.

Right from Bitcoin, the vision of most of the blockchains have been to enable peer-to-peer payments without going through a financial institution. Since then there is this mad race where every business launching an ICO is trying to make its cryptocurrency transactional and achieve mass adoption.
The experts predict blockchain big and bright future?—?the technology that ensures that the authenticity of transactions can only be confirmed by the parties involved, without any middlemen or regulating parties, can confirm land and diamonds property rights and organize the communication of “smart” electronic devices.

We offer a platform to reward investors and traders via cashback, rebates and discounts.

Unlike many blockchain startups, we already have an established business which goes beyond a vision and a roadmap. Our solution make the market more effective, with higher volume and highest liquidity. Complete solution from BuuCoin is a big chance for all the investors to receive max from each of their investment in the crypto currency market.

Few Reasons to Choose BUU

1,High Secure Anony
Sending and Recieving crypto is highly secured with Private Mnemonic Key. Store Your Key to retrieve your wallet back.

2,BUU Trade
Our motto is better, faster because the market needs a crypto exchange which will not fail investors.

3,BUU Finance
Exchanging fiat to crypto and vice versa can be made through an easy app revolutionizing.

4,BUU Blockchain
The accounts can be opened using BUU and will allow a pure crypto-trading experience.

5,BUU News
BuuCoin will be polished by a news portal designed to support investors with timely market.

Perfect Mobile Wallet
The wallet can be used to buy, store and exchange. Our solution make the market more effective, with higher volume.

Complete solution from BuuCoin is a big chance for all the investors to receive maximum from each of their investment in the crypto currency market. The present crypto currency market is very competitive and it going to be more within next few months. Competition is all-time a huge benefit for an average buyer or seller as it helps him/her to get higher benefits from his purchases or investments.

Send BUU In a second

We’ve completely rethought the payment experience by making it simple, fun, free, and rewarding.

We know crypto can seem really hard, but BUU is here to change all that, and in the process, reshape money.

1. BUU Chat Pay is the best way to send money.

2. Paying has never been this much fun.

3. Pay anyone , anytime for free while doing chat.

How it Works

Our mission is to provide everyone with high and useful reward for his/her trading, purchase and investment.

Our goal is to make the cryptocurrency market grow faster and help to maximize profits for all the backers who trusted in the decentralised crypto market.

1. Wallet for Buying, Storing and Using Cryptos

2. Online Trading Platform with Token-Based Trading Accounts

3. Reliable up-to-date news source for crypto trading

4. Streamlined Crypto Rewarding Platform

BUU Debit Card

We issue DEBIT CARDS for owners of BUU COIN account.

With the help of our debit cards, holders of BUU wallets have the opportunity to withdraw their funds from ATMs. Our debit cards are completely anonymous.

1. with your BUU COIN card you can pay for goods;

2. with your BUU COIN card you can withdraw cash from the ATM

3. we do not limit you to pay and withdraw cash from ATM.

Token Distribution

Name: BuuCoin (BUU)

Exchange Rate: 1 BUU = 0.001 BTC

Currencies Accepted: ETH, BTC, LTC, ETC, XRP, BNB, BTG, USDT, EOS, ADA, TRX, NEM

Money Supply: 100000000 BUU

Mining Reward: 0.02719343 BUU

Genesis Block Height: 14455 BUU

Hard Cap: 40 Million USD

Soft Cap: 3 Million USD

Reward Bounty: 4%

Hash Rate: 5052060

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of BUUCOIN.



Kamis, 13 Desember 2018

FANEX – token for bet fantasy sports

FANEX – token for bet fantasy sports 

I'm back again at the blogger this time I will explain about a great project from FANEX, let's look at my article below

About Fanex

Fanex is a fresh take on fantasy sports bettingPick the athletes you think will perform well and follow along as their token prices rise and fall! Use tokens to make bets in fantasy sports games or just HODL!Whether you own tokens over multiple sports or just one, you’ll be able to collect, trade and bet with other fans around the world. Will you load up on all-stars or focus on undiscovered up-and-coming talent? It’s all up to you! Fanex has plans to support all major sports leagues as well as MMA, Boxing, NASCAR, Tennis and Esports! Games won’t just be limited to those Fanex builds itself. Developers are able to build on our platform and make their own apps which incorporate Athlete Tokens.
Fanex is a fresh take on fantasy sports betting

Pick the athletes you think will perform well and follow along as their token prices rise and fall! Use tokens to make bets in fantasy sports games or just HODL!

Whether you own tokens over multiple sports or just one, you’ll be able to collect, trade and bet with other fans around the world.

Will you load up on all-stars or focus on undiscovered up-and-coming talent? It’s all up to you!

Fanex has plans to support all major sports leagues as well as MMA, Boxing, NASCAR, Tennis and Esports!
Why one should choose Fanex for betting in sports

What makes Fanex more fun is the fact that there is no limitation as to how many sports you can make bets on. Even if you are a fan of more than one sport, you can make bets on multiple sports at the same time. You can make bets, make collections and carry trades of tokens with other fans on Fanex. You can find the well-known players on Fanex as well as new rising talent. You will be able to see all the major teams and leagues on Fanex as well. Boxing, NASCAR, MMA, Esports and Tennis, you name it, they are all there.
Highly user-friendly and easy to use for users

The token distribution and funds distribution are quite simple and fair with 60% tokens for there on sale. A bounty of 6% tokens is there too which means that Fanex is very user-friendly and goes to all lengths to make the platform easier to access by the users. The biggest part of funds goes into marketing and development which shows the dedication and devotion of the Fanex team. Another cool feature is that the Fanex supports all kinds of games, the ones they develop themselves and the ones developed on other apps. Fanex also makes it easy to develop your own games and gaming apps using their development gear.

Fanex played nice and smooth by initializing the setting with the sports which are the most popular all over the world. Their primary focus was on football, the blockchain, and soccer when they began. This is why, you can see Champions League, and FIFA, Premiership, and NBA players developed more than other players on Fanex can.

This means that Fanex is a dream come true for sports cryptocurrency exchange users who follow football. They are now planning to extend their range of sports and players even more. This shows just how great a sports cryptocurrency exchange platform Fanex is.
Collect, trade and wager

Games won’t just be limited to those Fanex builds itself. Developers are able to build on our platform and make their own apps which incorporate Athlete Tokens.

Fanex Coins are purchased in the Fanex Private Sale, Pre-Sale, and Token Sale. Fanex Coins will be converted into Athlete Tokens at a rate of 1 to 1. Once a Fanex Coin is converted into an Athlete Token the Fanex Coin will be forever burned, resulting in a shrinking total supply.

Athlete Tokens are playable-tokens that can be held, traded, exchanged or used in fantasy-like betting games and competitions. An example being the first game we plan to release — a simple 1v1 wager where two fans each select a token and agree on a statistic to determine the winner with the loser giving up their token.

You could bet another fan a single token that Stephen Curry will score more points than LeBron James in an upcoming game — and if Curry does, you’ll receive both tokens!

Our platform will allow developers to build their own applications which incorporate Fanex tokens, creating more fun ways to use and win Athlete Tokens.


Our initial exchange launches of NBA, FIFA, Champions League and Premiership represent ideal entry points due to the global popularity of soccer, basketball and blockchain.

Q4 2018
Airdrop and token sale promotions
iOS app prototype

Q1 2019
Token Sale
Launch of Fanex Alpha with NBA support
Fanex Wallet

Q2 2019
Public beta
First betting games released
Addtional fantasy games developed in-house
FIFA, Champions League and Premiership support

Q3 2019
Web soft launch
Developer SDK start
NFL and NHL support added

Q4 2019
Launch of Fanex developer platform
First third-party games are released on Fanex
Support for MLB, UFC, Bellator and PGA

H1 2020
Support for over 10 sports leagues
Large betting game portfolio
Token Sale

Token symbol: FANEX

Token price: 1 ETH = 2,500 FANEX

Token supply: 200,000,000 FANEX

Hard cap: 80,000 ETH
Presale: To be announced
Main sale: To be announced
Token Distribution

Funds Distribution

Thank you for reading my article if you are interested in investing your funds visit the existing web link I fully support this project.

For More Information :
Website: http://fanex.io/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5048006.0
Telegram: https://t.me/fanex_io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fanex.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fanex_io
Medium: https://medium.com/@Fanex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fanex.io/


Jumat, 07 Desember 2018



All cryptocurrencies enthusiast know what is a Trezor, Nano Ledger and many more. For those who dont know what hardware wallet, hardware wallet is a special type of bitcoin and another platforms wallet which stores the user's private keys in a secure hardware device. They have major advantages over standard software wallets such as :

private keys are often stored in a protected area of a microcontroller, and cannot be transferred out of the device in plaintext
immune to computer viruses that steal from software wallets
can be used securely and interactively, private keys never need to touch potentially vulnerable software
much of the time, the software is open source, allowing a user to validate the entire operation of the device.

V-ID is the best contender to end up a true standard answer for record misrepresentation. 
The administration utilizes normal and solid standards to confirm and check any advanced document of any distributor. This is conceivable because of the perpetual and straightforward nature of the barricade. 
Among the main clients who as of now utilize V-ID, are Airbus Defense Space, ESHRE European Research Institute and Vitrumnet optical fiber provider. 

The issuing association can enroll any document through the V-ID check process, enabling every beneficiary to confirm its credibility in short order and for nothing out of pocket. V-ID does not spare a duplicate of the checked record and hence effortlessly consents to the proposals of the GDPR. 
The Utility V-ID current offers a particular included an incentive for distinguishing issuing associations, putting away advanced fingerprints in a scholarly contract, and preparing installments for confirmation.

At the point when the network proceeds with the digitization procedure, new kinds of computerized wrongdoing have jumped up. Broad communications every dayreport episodes, for example, information spillage, individual information misrepresentation, adulteration of false archives and news. 
One new innovation can furnish a leap forward in managing these criminal symptoms. This innovation - barricade, can possibly end up a standout amongst the most critical mechanical mainstays of the cutting edge world.

What was the standard method of task up to V-ID? Similarly, as it is currently hard to envision what the world resembled before the approach of the Internet, we trust that VID will turn into an all-around acknowledged and a broadly utilized component of the cutting edge computerized society. 
V-ID will be utilized by any association that needs to shield its computerized documents from misrepresentation security. Think about how guaranteed SSL associations are right now utilized for sites. 
At a later stage, V-ID can center around online recognizable proof and investigation of the two people and organizations.

Over the next 3 years, V-ID will become the market leader in file fraud protection, as SSL has become in the field of secure Internet connection.
After the private sale, funding will be allocated for a marketing campaign to promote the sale of tokens.
V-ID Token Utility offers a specific added value in identifying outstanding organizations, the preservation of digital fingerprint in the smart contract and the payment processor for verification.
The technical development of V-ID focuses on the wide application of Fail-safe for fraud prevention.
As society continues to digitalize, new types of digital crime are emerging. The media reported incidents such as data leaks, identity fraud, forgery and fake news on a daily basis.
One particular new technology could provide a breakthrough in the fight against these criminal side effects. This technology-blockchain, has the potential to become one of the most important technological pillars of the modern world.
What was the standard operating mode before V-ID? Just as it is difficult to imagine what the world was like before the advent of the Internet, we believe that VID will become a common and widely used element of modern digital society.
V-ID will be used by any organization that wants to protect their digital files from fraud in a secure way. Let's compare how certified SSL connections are currently used for websites.

V-ID token administration is an ERC20 token that is utilized to distinguish the wallet address (for backers/checking parties) and is utilized as an installment for confirmation. 
This stage can be utilized on the web (human interface) and will build the number of uses, SOAP, and BREAK API-interfaces, to frame the last secure extension to test the most widely recognized present-day programming (through web administrations and framework interfaces). Occasion Tokens are sold openly


Pre Sales: September 15, 2018 
General: 15 October 2018 
End of Token Sale: December 15, 2018 
The maximum number of VIDT tokens: 100,000,000 
VIDT fee: $ 0.20 
soft stamp: $ 1,000,000 
Hard cap: $ 8,000,000

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of V-ID.

For more information, visit the link below: 





Uris is a nonprofit organization founded by an association of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and independent investors who share the view that entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of developing markets and that transparent and effective innovations can contribute to an open, sustainable and prosperous future any industry worldwide. Uris will facilitate the entry of funds into the system. The platform is the first of three developed platforms. The system rewards startups for implementing policies that are fair to investors and are good for the public. This mechanism will provide incentives for both investors and beginners.

Uris will create three platforms, all of which are supported mainly by the ERC20-based ecosystem. Each platform offers all the familiar features and benefits of its colleagues. However, users of each platform can interact through interacting actions and instant messaging.

Uris ‘s goal is to create a new, transparent international startup system where talented entrepreneurs can easily access funds – where talented investment managers can quickly and economically raise funds and where people can support projects and invest their money safely.

Uris distinguishes them from any other cryptocurrency available on the market today. No other such platform guarantees the redemption of the coin, which makes Uris a truly unique cryptocurrency. The Uris Exchangeplatform will generate constant demand for Uris coins and a constant flow of transactions between the parties that will support the currency value.

The Uris Platform is a system that can enforce intellectual property rights on the Uris platform ecosystem and that the company will provide exclusive marketing and production rights for the Uris Platform Ecosystemecosystem . The team will be able to successfully sell, produce and sell the Uris Platform Ecosystem ecosystem so that users can appreciate its right and sell it to enough people for the company to succeed. The team has yet to sell any ships, and they plan to launch a ship to the market that does not have commercial contemporaries. In addition, the team never made a profit, and there is no certainty that the team will ever get it.

Options that buyers have with the tokens
  • Hold them to sell them
  • Invest in Startups
  • Invest in VC Funds
  • Invest in Uris Funds
  • Buy services
Token Structure & Ico Structure





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