Rabu, 23 Januari 2019



What is KlickZie?

KlickZie is the flagship product of Tautachrome, Inc., an Internet technology company poised to change how the world views, verifies and uses images and video.

The KlickZie application platform will leverage blockchain technology to socially engage and monetize their images.

The KLK cryptotoken ecosystem along with our patented KlickZie activated imagery authentication platform will revolutionize the way imagery is viewed, shared, and monetized!

Our KlickZie iOturn smartphones into trustable imagers, allowing users to own, verify, S and Android application will allow the user to capture images that are invisibly marked and verified as original. The owner of the image or video will have the ability to use, sell and monetize their images. Our KlickZie platform will serve as the world's first imagery-based social portal network.

How Does KlickZie KLK Work?

There are more than 2.5 billion mobile devices that are in use and taking pictures every day. When you use KlickZie KLK, every time you take a picture it is market with hidden code. And it also works as a type of social network.

People who look at pictures on the app, can connect with others using app and looking at the same picture or even the creator of the photo. The platform uses the KLK token, a token that operates on an Ethereum side-chain.

They are verified via proof of ownership. And once people start using the app and platform, they can pretty much buy and sell photos all over the world using the application. The purpose of the app is to allow people to start making money with photos they take as well as to protect photographers and people using the app or involved in the distribution of imagery.

These two platforms implement the cryptocurrency transaction activity in the KLK ecosystem.

• KlickZie ICO ArKs add the blockchain power of frictionless, automated transactions between buyers
and sellers in the world of commerce for goods and services of all kinds.
• KlickZie ICO Activated Imagery lets consumers gain for themselves the value of their imagery and their digital information that up to now have been funneled to social networking systems.

Both platforms give users the ability to create digital products that employ the KLK ecosystem to generate new income.

The KlickZie ArKnet platform enables sellers of goods and services to deploy Augmented Reality interfaces, which consist of digital information belonging to the seller, that advertises and facilitates the sale of the sellers goods or services using geo-located interfaces branded ArKs. ArKs are easy to deploy, function world-wide, and benefit all forms of commerce. They serve the world’s goods and services commerce market.

The KlickZie ICO Activated Imagery platform is also intended to be global, serving smartphone users worldwide. KlickZie’s novel Activated Imagery technology automatically “activates” consumer smartphone pictures and videos as this digital imagery is created using a trade secret, invisible marking process. Activation allows the ownership and trustability of the consumer’s imagery and other digital information to be reliably established, permitting the monetization of this digital information using features of the KlickZie ICO Activated Imagery platform. Monetization allows the KLK ecosystem to extract profit for consumers utilizing the consumer’s own personal digital information.

Both of KlickZie’s ICO platforms are global and both tap the organic activities of the users they server. The ArKnet platform uses Augmented Reality to amplify the marketing of what sellers are already working to sell. The KlickZie ICO activation platform allows the trillions of smartphone pictures and frames of video being produced each year to be transformed from a giant pile of ordinary imagery into a giant ecosystem of monetizable and trustable imagery products earning profit on the KLK blockchain.


The KlickZie team brings together multidisciplinary professionals from different technology areas with deep and broad experience in imagery and image solutions, supported by cryptocurrency and blockchain professionals and software developers. We want to disrupt the way we use imagery by creating a new global cryptomarket based on the trillions of pictures and frames of video that pour out of smartphones and are shared around the world. This imagery is already everywhere waiting to be monetized. We want the KLK token to turn imagery into currency and to become the king-currency itself.


Q1 2018
Project initilization
Token and technology evaluation.

Q2 2018
KlickZie Network Implementation
initialization of KlickZie network, implementation of prototype KlickZie web-app, and basic imagery ownership mechanisms.

Q2 2018
Alpha release
Network observation functionality.

Q3 2018
KlickZie Improvements #1
Verification and marking improved algorithms.

Q3 2018
2nd Alpha Release
Functional update, transactions speed up, web wallet.

Q4 2018
Token Sale Phase 1
Sale for company investors and other interested parties

Q1 2019
KlickZie Web App
ArKs virtually seeded worldwide

Q2 2019
Token sale phase 2
Release of KLK20 trading
Release ArK content templates for business selling

For More Information:



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