Dear reader, Just as my usual practice of bringing valuable and profitable information across your way, let me quickly give you information about this great innovation known as "Neuraltrade Network". Please sit down and relax your nerves as you read. Also, I encourage you not only to read, but also to take an important step as part of this great innovation.
Right from Bitcoin, the vision of most of the blockchains have been to enable peer-to-peer payments without going through a financial institution. Since then there is this mad race where every business launching an ICO is trying to make its cryptocurrency transactional and achieve mass adoption.
The experts predict blockchain big and bright future?—?the technology that ensures that the authenticity of transactions can only be confirmed by the parties involved, without any middlemen or regulating parties, can confirm land and diamonds property rights and organize the communication of “smart” electronic devices.
The term cryptocurrency or crypto currency is a controversial digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of additional units and to verify asset transfers. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency, alternate currency and virtual currency. Cryptocurrency uses decentralized controls as opposed to centralized electronic money and central bank systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through blockchain, which is a public transaction database that functions as a distributed ledger.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) explained to the basics, is any technology that is
designed to work or operate in somewhat the same manner as humans.
Obviously, it does not operate exactly the same as humans do, however, it uses
the concept lying behind how human think, perceive and make decisions.
Like humans, AI is also not perfect, however, it does hold the capability of
perfecting itself over time through analysis of its performance based on achieved
results and desired results, and working on how to minimise the difference that
lies in between.
Neural network
Neural networks also referred to as artificial neural networks, utilises the
concept of a human brain that consists of billions of neurones, each transmitting
a message to the brain. These neurones are all interconnected and offer their
specific knowledge, giving the brain the capability to think.
Using the same concept, the neural networks were created. Utilising a
similar notion, neural network systems function by the various units involved
bringing together their respective information from available data and compiling
it, so that an informed decision based on the findings can be taken.
Neural networks have gained excessive popularity in the last few years.
Powerful hardware has offered researchers the capability to link thousands of
neurones into the artificial neural networks, offering the machine enhanced
extension of learning referred to as deep learning. Deep learning gives neural
networks and their applications the ability to offer learned knowledge based on
which future outcomes can be predicted to a degree very close to actual
occurrences. Furthermore, neural networks are very versatile and allow the
capability of being operated in a variety of situations. They are flexible in their
architecture and their applications expand even further on to texts, images,
speeches, and so on. Of course, there is a lot of math involved in neural
networks, all the more reason to trust the findings of the system
Platform advantages :
- Accessibility. Using our platform you can get fast constant profit anytime and anywhere. You will get the convenient one -ouch trading-on-thego app and the reliable tool to win your trades, minimising and excluding the risks of the crypto trading activity. All you need to do is to buy enough tokens which will be used to pay for the forecasts of cryptocurrencies fluctuations.
- Small investment availability. You can start trading with small amounts and constantly enlarge your capital without loss of funds.
- Using simplicity. You don't need to have special knowledge or skill to understand and analyse technical information. The simple intuitive interface will suit all users, whether you are the beginner or an experienced trader.
- Time saving. You don't have to explore and analyse tons of everyday information. Reliable long-term investment opportunity. We don't recommend to purchase NeuralTrade tokens with speculative purpose solely, although according to experts opinion, the price of NET can grow up to x10 during the first year after platform launch.
The problem
Cryptocurrencies offer many advantages: they are fully decentralised and,
hence, no bank can charge high fees and no government can take them away,
they are fast and offer immediate settlement and they are also very safe, just to
name a few . iv
There is a great problem: complex technological adoption barriers for
average mass market users.
Currently, the crypto world is like a deep jungle for many who have not
grown up with Bitcoin, wallets, tokens, etc. The incredible hype around
cryptocurrencies has raised many people’s attention. But still, the adoption
barriers for mass market users are extremely high. Just think about the
embarrassing selection of a crypto exchange, the registration, selecting and
maintaining a wallet, the comprehension of the money making methods and
many more.
The solution
NeuralTrade Platform is created to be the solution to overcome this
NeuralTrade is a simple instrument with a strong focus on using simplicity
that gives an excellent opportunity to everyone who wants to trade crypto assets
as a professional trader in a highly profitable way. It is an invaluable tool, well
suited for both newcomers and experienced traders.
NeuralTrade ICO
NeuralTrade (NET) tokens are created as new participants contribute funds
into NeuralTrade ecosystem, providing tokens as a representation of donations
for utilising within the NeuralTrade Platform.
Token name:
Token ticker: NET
Token platform: Ethereum
Token type: ERC20v
Token price: 1 NET = 0,01 ETH
Minimum personal investment: 0,1 ETH
Maximum personal investment: no limit
Total token supply: 10 000 000
Crowdsale supply: 5 000 000 NET (available through pre-ICO/ICO)
Currencies accepted:
Soft Cap: there is no soft cap as we also have MVP and we will continue
development of the Platform regardless funds raised during
Hard Cap: 50 000 ETH
Transparency: open source (public Github)
Unsold tokens: after the ICO ends the unsold part of tokens will be burnt
Restricted countries: United States
KYC: no
Whitelist: no

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