[DATABLOC] -Save The World's Data
In computing, data is information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing. Relative to today's computers and transmission media, data is information converted into binary digital form. It is acceptable for data to be used as a singular subject or a plural subject. Raw data is a term used to describe data in its most basic digital format.
How many have changed the speed of our lives over the past ten years. What we do in 3-5 minutes now happens at the speed of light. And every delay in just a few minutes may seem like forever, especially acute when you're late somewhere and you really need to switch from point A to point B.
Everything changes. We change, technology changes, objects and gadgets, computers and cellular providers change. The new one safely replaces the old one. And the world at the same time flies at a crazy pace, turning one sphere of our lives into another or making it modernization in a new and modern way.
Blockchain technology has enabled companies to start developing applications that take advantage of peer-to-peer data delivery and provide better flexibility and security than existing database systems. . Even companies in the health sector have identified the potential role that blockchain applications can operate in their facilities, such as improving efficiency, improving security, reducing transactions, attracting patients and other factors necessary for their success
Abstract. Blockchain technology is promoted as one of the great technological advances of our time and considered as a solution to many of
the technical problems faced by industries in sectors such as finance,
automobile, and retail. Despite growing attention and utilization, mass
adoptions of cryptocurrencies has not happened yet. So how do we cross
the chasm from the vision phase to the actual use phase? To do so, blockchain technology has to target a pre-existing legacy market that already
posses billions of user accounts globally in a digital asset category; Not
to create a competing tokenize digital asset, but instead to transform
these legacy digital assets into tokens on a public blockchain with key
functionality that benefits both consumers and the enterprise-issuers of
these digital assets.
This whitepaper fills the gap in the state of the art by presenting the DigitalBits blockchain powered infrastructure that builds a bridge facilitating
the implementation of new technologies to support and enhance our every day life interactions as well as foster blockchain mass adoption.
The DataBloc platform is a web platform that
seamlessly and securely connects service providers and enterprise customers. The
DataBloc software, also known as StoneFusion, will be a 9th generation
permission-based blockchain solution developed by StoneFly, a well-established
data services company based in Silicon Valley. The software supports various
data services and storage types, and offers enterprise-quality data optimization,
availability, accessibility, security, and protection.

With the advancement of technology, people today have migrated to digital data storage. at first, they store data in the form of paper documents or print-outs in places where security is guaranteed, such as personal safes or safes provided by certain data security service providers. These documents are actually very risky if stored in paper or print out because they can be damaged at any time due to several factors. One example is a fire event that can occur at any time without predictability that can eliminate the document. This of course will cause data loss that is very intolerable and causes no small losses.
Although the use of safes is considered the most appropriate solution, this still provides its own security risks. If the disputed data has very valuable information value and the level of confidentiality is very high, this will certainly lead to the intention of certain parties who are at odds with the data owner to own and master the data. Security risks are at stake here.
Technological advancements certainly have provided a gap for them to find smart roads that can provide access to data theft even though they have been protected by high security in safes. Risks like this always appear and we will never know the next situation because various possibilities can occur. In addition, data storage with the system is considered old-fashioned and needs to be addressed to provide a more practical solution in storing data.

Therefore, a digital platform called Databloc was created by a technology company called StoneFly Inc. to present a new style in storing data digitally. data storage in digital form is currently considered to be a very appropriate solution because it provides many conveniences and benefits.
The main benefit that is felt is the huge cost savings so that this solution is considered to be very efficient for its users. The people who have had to print the data in the form of paper documents and then store it now do not need to be bothered by such procedures. Databloc provides data storage services to all users from companies in digital form. users only need to prepare the data they want to save in a certain format and then transfer it to the Databloc platform.
Databloc guarantees very high data security because the security system they use comes from blockchain technology. This technology has been known since 10 years ago and is believed to provide good security. Therefore, Databloc utilizes this technology to function in storing any user data in its contents. Users do not need to worry about the possibility of data leakage because Databloc will not provide the slightest loophole to the parties who intend to hack data under their storage media.
Datablock software is also known as StoneFusion, where this software is the 9th generation of the blockchain technology system developed by StoneFly. Users will also be provided with large capacity storage media with guaranteed affordable service fees. Another advantage that will be gained by users of this platform facility is that they can integrate data that they consider to be very sensitive to the police department network to prevent more dangerous hacking of data and if this happens, the police can take further action as soon as possible. Databloc created the latest innovation in terms of data storage systems that utilize blockchain technology to provide comfort for every user.
if you are interested in joining the Databloc project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, because it's important to understand accuracy in reviews so you don't hesitate in investing.
Sorry for the long article, and we do hope that we gave you a decent overview of our Token Sale information. Having said that, again and again and again, please read the White Paper in complete. Come back to us with any questions. We will be more than happy to answer all of them. Listen, we know that you work very hard for your money, and we want you to be 1000000% positive that this is the right investment.
Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of databloc.
- Website : https://databloc.io/
- Whitepaper : https://databloc.io/DataBloc-White-Paper.pdf
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- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/databloc/
- Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/databloc
- Medium : https://medium.com/@databloc
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