Rabu, 17 April 2019



Hello everyone how are you? How about the project of your choice? Have you find a favorite project for youself?
On this occasion I came again to fill the TAGZ ICO's blog with a very extraordinary project where this project is a data analysis platform based on artificial intelligence or AI of course this will greatly facilitate us and make our time more efficient.

TAGZ is Australia’s first fully licensed and regulated Dual Gateway Exchange based in Australia and registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). Our focus is to protect our users by actively monitoring trading activity on our platform and saying goodbye to flash crashes, pump & dumps, spoofing, fake volume aswell as securing against possible data security breaches. Our platform offers access to Traditional Crypto and Derivative Futures with the ability to trade both at the same time on one platform.

Whitepaper and Pitch Deck

Download and read the TAGZ whitepaper which showcases the project in comprehensive detail and includes our fundamental analysis, platform configuration and inner workings of the exchange. You will find TAGZ Token details, distribution chart and answers to the most commonly asked questions. You can also download our Pitch Deck for a better understanding of our goals.


Yes. TAGZ is fully licensed to offer exchange trading services and directly reports to the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).

TAGZ is also registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) which mandates compliance with both the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) Act 2006.
What is a Dual Gateway Exchange (DGE)?

A Dual Gateway Exchange allows you to choose whether to trade either the Traditional Crypto Market OR Derivative Futures or BOTH at the same time on one platform.
Traditional Crypto

Trade premium base pairs like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin & Altcoins against USD & AUD just the same way as your already used too.
Derivative Futures

Trade with up to 200x leverage on all TAGZ base pairs like BTC/TAGZ, ETH/TAGZ, LTC/TAGZ & XRP/TAGZ

TAGZ Token Sale


Soft Cap:1,100,000 USD

Hard Cap:7,500,000 USD

USD Exchange:1 TAGZ = $0.1375

ETH Exchange:1 TAGZ = 0.001ETH

Currency:BTC, ETH, LTC

Min Purchase:0.25 ETH / 250 TAGZ

Starts:May 20 2019 (9:00 AM)

Ends:June 30 2019 (11:59 PM)

ICO Rounds
Round 1

Extra Bonus: 30%

Price Discount: 20%

USD Price: $0.1100

Tokens: 10,000,000

Start: 01-JUN-2019 12AM

End: 10-JUN-2019 11:45PM
Round 2

Extra Bonus: 20%

Price Discount: 15%

USD Price: $0.1168

Tokens: 10,000,000

Start: 11-JUN-2019 12AM

End: 17-JUN-2019 11:45PM
Round 3

Extra Bonus: 15%

Price Discount: 10%

USD Price: $0.1237

Tokens: 10,000,000

Start: 18-JUN-2019 12AM

End: 24-JUN-2019 11:45PM
Round 4

Extra Bonus: 10%

Price Discount: 5%

USD Price: $0.1306

Tokens: 10,000,000

Start: 25-JUN-2019 12AM

End: 30-JUN-2019 11:45PM

Register for free to take part in the ICO…
  1. Sign up - Register a free account today to be part of the TAGZ ICO.
  2. Take part - Take part in the crowdsale and get up to 75% off the TAGZ token sale.
  3. Start trading - We launch the TAGZ Exchange and trading begins inline with our roadmap.
  4. Trade on the go - Download our mobile app with global connectivity. Trade anywhere in the world and exchange Cryptocurrencies.


Jun 2019

ICO Completed 
Aug 2019

Platform trials (Alpha) 
Nov 2019

Mobile App Launch.
May 2019

ICO Kickoff 
Jul 2019

Platform Development (Alpha) 
Sep 2019

Platform Launch (Beta) 
Dec 2019

Full-scale Platform Adoption

Our Team

Bryan Seiler

Founder & CEO
Julian Jones

Chief Financial Officer
Richard Shibi

Investor Relations Manager
Krystelle Galano

Head of Marketing
Sujeet Kumar

Head of Vision Strategy
Lalit Bansal

Marketing & Growth
Jagan Ganesh

Lead Web Paradigm Developer
Praveen Rai

Private Connections Manager

David Hershfield

Advisory Share Holder
Ahmed Khalil

Technical Advisor
Naviin Kapoor

Blockchain & ICO Advisor
LLoyd Shaffer

Procedure Support Advisor






Blockchain technology has enabled companies to start developing applications that take advantage of peer-to-peer data delivery and provide better flexibility and security than existing database systems. . Even companies in the health sector have identified the potential role that blockchain applications can operate in their facilities, such as improving efficiency, improving security, reducing transactions, attracting patients and other factors necessary for their success

Abstract. Blockchain technology is promoted as one of the great technological advances of our time and considered as a solution to many of
the technical problems faced by industries in sectors such as finance,
automobile, and retail. Despite growing attention and utilization, mass
adoptions of cryptocurrencies has not happened yet. So how do we cross
the chasm from the vision phase to the actual use phase? To do so, blockchain technology has to target a pre-existing legacy market that already
posses billions of user accounts globally in a digital asset category; Not
to create a competing tokenize digital asset, but instead to transform
these legacy digital assets into tokens on a public blockchain with key
functionality that benefits both consumers and the enterprise-issuers of
these digital assets.

Bincoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency payment system that was created cryptographically which run on an open source software and it is not being controlled by any entity. The Bincoin cryptocurrency payment system is not govern by any government or bank. Investors can use services to divide their investments between various services like P2P loans, Merchant Gateway , Crypto Exchange, etc. The first version of the BIN allows startups to launch and manage ICO campaigns.
13.03.2019 - 11.06.2019
Campaign Budget
600k BinCoin - 60k USD.
Budget allocation
Signature: 25%, Articles/Video: 25%, Facebook: 15%, Twitter: 15%, Steem: 10%, Reddit: 10%.
Bounty manager
BINcoins (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2536717)
ANN thread (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5120167.new#new) - Website (https://bincoins.io/) - Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/bincoins/) - Twitter (https://twitter.com/BINcoinOfficial) - Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/company/bincoinofficial/?viewAsMember=true) - Telegram (https://t.me/BINcoinOfficial) - Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0eftJ_3lcxODnCkGgVzbCA/featured?view_as=subscriber) - Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/BINcoin/) - Whitepaper (https://bincoins.io/bin/images/bin-whitepaper.pdf)
More campaign on our portal - http://bounty.cool
More campaign on our portal - http://bounty.cool


SWIFT POOL - Gør Cloud Computing billigere, lettere, sikker og mere tilgængelig for alle

SWIFT POOL - Gør Cloud Computing billigere, lettere, sikker og mere tilgængelig for alle

Hej venner Hvis du er interesseret i at deltage i Swift Pools-projektet, skal du læse anmeldelser, der kan hjælpe dig med at få oplysninger, som kan hjælpe dig med at se deres vision og mission. Her er anmeldelsen:

Cloud computing har bragt et nyt paradigmeskifte i teknologibranchen og bliver stadig mere populær dag for dag. Både store og små og mellemstore virksomheder anvender nu cloud computing.

Swift Pools har været transformative for mange virksomheder, brancher og produkter.Fra løbende applikationer, der altid er tilgængelige og tilgængelige, til ubegrænset infrastruktur skalerbarhed.

Vi har nået et bemærkelsesværdigt punkt, hvor virksomhederne nu overskrider forbrugerne i deres vedtagelse af nye teknologier, herunder kunstig intelligens (AI), blockchain, digitale assistenter, containere, serverløse og ting til internettet (IoT).

Swift Pools er indrettet til at implementere en unik krypto-valuta, der gør det muligt for både skydeudbydere og virksomheder at bevæge sig mod en næste generation af skymodel, hvor de har adgang til ny teknologi, bedre sikkerhed, bedre prisudvikling, dyb automatiseringskapacitet og global tilgængelighed.

Etablering af denne kryptomønter vil føre til fødsel af andre innovationer. SwiftPools vil blive drevet af sin egen indfødte mønt SPL, som kan bruges til at betale for alle tjenester og produkter inden for SwiftPools økosystem. SwiftPools økosystem vil bestå af følgende innovation:

Masternode implementeringsplatform
Crypto Exchange
Crypto browser
Swift Pools Wallett


Opbevaring af oplysninger er en af ​​de største omkostninger for enhver virksomhed.Mængden af ​​data, som en virksomhed kompilerer finanser, forsyningskæden data, intern informationsdeling mv, er blevet større og større hvert år.

Swift Pools tilbyder Cloud computing-tjenester som en løsning, der giver adgang til ekstern datalagring og -applikationer via internettet, i stedet for at have den gemt lokalt (harddiske / lokale servere), der kræver store upfront investeringer og dyre løbende vedligeholdelse.

Alt dette er en afvigelse fra traditionel on-premise computing, som sker via en lokal server eller pc. Disse traditionelle metoder bliver i stigende grad efterladt. Faktisk fandt IDG's nyligt offentliggjorte Enterprise Cloud Computing Survey (2018), at 73% af organisationerne har mindst en ansøgning, eller en del af deres computinginfrastruktur, der allerede er i skyen, har 17% planer om at gøre det inden for de næste 12 måneder.

SwiftPools begyndte at fungere i 2016, vi har siden etableret 8 datacentre på tværs af 3 kontinenter og over 20.000 brugere om måneden. Ved at implementere vores Unique Crypto-valuta planlægger vi at udvide for hurtig ydeevne og tilgængelighed



SwiftPools tager din virksomhed til næste niveau med vores omfattende infrastruktur som en service (IaaS) platform. SwiftPools tilbyder fysiske og virtuelle computere, ekstra lagringsenheder osv. De virtuelle maskiner drives af hypervisorer, der er organiseret i pools og styres af operationelle supportsystemer.


Du kan nemt implementere din applikation i flere regioner rundt om i verden med blot et par klik. Dette betyder, at du kan give lavere kunder mulighed for en lavere ventetid og bedre oplevelse for dine kunder, simpelthen og til minimale omkostninger at nå flere kunder på samme tid.

Fokus på projekter, der adskiller din virksomhed, ikke infrastrukturen. En effektiv cloud computing-service betyder, at du fokuserer på dine egne kunder, snarere end på den tunge løft af racking, stabling og styring af servere. I et cloud computing-miljø er nye IT-ressourcer kun et klik væk, hvilket betyder, at du reducerer den tid det tager at gøre disse ressourcer tilgængelige for dine udviklere fra uger til få minutter. Dette resulterer i en dramatisk stigning i fleksibilitet for organisationen, da omkostningerne og den tid, det tager at eksperimentere og udvikle sig, er betydeligt lavere.

SWIFTPOOLS giver dig en lille ting at gøre om
En opstart kræver allerede mange beslutninger og forsøg, som for det meste vil være kapitalintensive og spildende. I stedet for at skulle investere kraftigt i datacentre og servere, før du ved, hvordan du bruger dem, kan du kun betale, når du bruger computerressourcer og kun betaler for, hvor meget du har brug for. Eliminer gætte på dine behov for infrastrukturkapacitet. Når du træffer en kapacitetsbeslutning inden du implementerer en applikation, slutter du ofte enten med dyre ledige ressourcer eller med begrænset kapacitet. Med SwiftPools går disse problemer væk. Du kan få adgang til så meget eller så lidt som du har brug for, og skalere op og ned efter behov med kun få minutters varsel.


I dag leverer markedsledere meget høj leje af computerkraft. Vi driver den billigste lejegebyr på cloud computing markedet i dag, startende fra 0,1 $.

Sammenlignet med andre projekter, hvor der oprettes der, er cloud computeren kompleks. Ideen om vores projekt er at oprette en service, der giver adgang til computerressourcer bare i tre museklik.

For at imødekomme sikkerhedsbehovene hos Enterprise-kunder udviklede Swiftpool et sikkert lag omkring Intels SGX-teknologi og har implementeret realtidsovervågning af platformen for at forhindre svindel.

Højtydende, skalerbare cloudløsninger til din voksende it-brug, sammen med den sikkerhed og pålidelighed, du har brug for til overkommelige priser.

100% uptime garanti, uovertruffen værdi, en omfattende server lineup, den tilslutning, du har brug for, ingen langsigtet engagement og 24x7x365 live support.


Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) er et tilbud, der tillader kunder
at udnytte cloud-baserede løsninger til at bygge, hoste og bruge deres egne blockchain apps, smarte kontrakter og funktioner på blockchain. Der er en sag for at overveje BaaS som levering af infrastruktur, platform og software på samme tid.

BaaS gør det muligt for udviklere at teste og implementere deres skræddersyede blokchainbaserede applikationer i skyen, uden at behøver netværket eller de fulde klienter selv. Implementeringen af ​​blockchain kan skræddersyes til deres behov og fås via lite klienter eller API'er.

Udover at tilbyde tjenesterne integreret i sin egen blokke, vil Swiftpools specialisere sig i at levere hosting og rådgivning til decentrale applikationer (Dapps) oven på Ethereum blockchain. Dette muliggør en komplet off-the-peg tilgang til smarte kontrakter. SwiftPools vil arbejde tæt sammen med virksomheder for at fastslå deres behov, inden de anvender knuder, hvis det er nødvendigt og organiserer hosting. Dette giver kunderne mulighed for at fokusere udelukkende på at skabe dapp uden at bruge tid og ressourcer på infrastruktur. 

Detalje Token

Navn: Swift Pools mønt
Symbol: SPL
Maksimal levering: 500.000.000
Premine: 10.000.000 (2%)
Algoritme: Quark
Blockchain: dash
Havn: 2233
Rpcport: 2232
Masternode Belønning: 84% årligt
Staking Belønning: op til 16%
Masternode sikkerhedsstillelse: 10.000 SPL (svarende til $ 1000)
gebyrer: 0.00001spl pr kb
Blokeringstid: 60 sek
Modenhed: 100 blok
Minimumstidsalder: 6 timer
Vores marketingstrategier omfatter: Airdrop, bounties, Social media kampagner,
Marketingbudgetallokering er som følger:

1.450.000 - Bounty
100.000 - Airdrop
1.000.000 - sociale medier kampagner
500.000 - Pressemeddelelse

4. KVARTAL 2018

SPL mønt koncept
Brand awareness campaign
1. KVARTAL 2019

Brand awareness campaign
SPL mønt lancering
Masternode Lancering

Kører en lukket beta-test
Master Node hosting platform Launch
Mønter noteret på udvekslinger
Crypto Exchange arkivudvikling
1. KVARTAL 2020

Crypto Exchange Launch
Årlig finansiel revision
2. KVARTAL 2020

Brand awareness campaign
Crypto Browser App lancering (Android og IOS version)

Swift Pools Wallet Launch (Android og IOS version)
4. KVARTAL 2020

Lancering af BaaS (blockchain som en tjeneste) 

For at finde ud af mere. Du kan forbinde mere med Swift Pools på nedenstående link:


VeraExchange-new generation exchange

 VeraExchange-new generation exchange


hi dear today i want introduce to you about a great project from vera exchange 
vera exchange is a new Cryptocurrency exchange Your attention is given to a new technological solution that can protect the supply chain and optimize the processes of the company.

The idea of ??digital money network (or electronic money) and blockchain technology was first released to the world in 2009, almost a decade ago. In less than ten years, Bitcoin has become an extremely powerful and popular digital currency. Today, it’s not just about “electronic money” anymore, but according to basic technology, called blockchain, the system provides a much more flexible solution than just one currency that allows transactions. done online.

tokenization is a way to create digital money tokens that are added to something from the current reality. It tends to be anything, from gold and land to maintaining money administration and monetary instruments. No doubt the blockchain can provide more prominent candor in relationships between individuals and if something becomes a token, at that time all the financial relationships associated with this item will end up more difficult and more reliable.

about vera exchange
 is a ticket to cryptocurrency world for everybody. Our project will provide you with the most favorable terms of trade, user-friendly interface, as well as a high level of protection of our platform.

advantages of vera exchange

  • Having a multi-layered security architecture. 
  • It has a layout that is smooth, easy to use, and easy to understand. 
  • We will be able to make a list of security / utility tokens and cryptocurrency. 
  • We aim to handle more than 1,000,000 transactions per second. Resolving the problem  To expand VeraExchange's vision of the current market, they are doing great

Learn it and conduct an online survey. The total number of people completing a survey of more than 10,000 users and this allows us to identify the main problems faced by users during the trading process on the current exchange. 

With an innovative, user-friendly and integrated GUI built, STC representatives (whether it is the CEO or CFO or someone else) will only fill in a form that can be adjusted to the dividend payment date, the amount of dividends per token, the minimum holding tokens ... and, voila! Every user who holds his token on our stock will receive payment through our smartly carefully developed contract. The Blockchain eliminates all possibilities to miss something: all calculations are made by the computer and no errors can be made during the process. Comfortable right?

In addition, the dividend date and the exact amount to be paid are usually announced beforehand and this creates action in the market exchange. In cryptographic space, investors may be confused and may lose the date and / or the number of tokens to be paid, so miss PURCHASE  or SELL time.

With VeraExchange's default announcement mechanism, they will force STC to do an announcement as early as possible to have all investors informed about what is happening. Will it fit your wallet with tokens or to throw it away - all investors will have enough time to make the right decision.


Token Vera details are  designed to serve the new trends in the crypto world:
IEO. The more tokens that are stored in the wallet all the time, the more IEO coins will be available for purchase during the sale. We strive to keep the processing speed of our servers fast enough for everyone not to experience slowness during this fast token offering.

VERA (VeraExchange tokens) - designed for continuous development and will be used at the discretion of the team to fund ongoing research and improvements.


  • Pre-sale Start - Apr 22, 2019 
  • Pre-sale End - May 6, 2019 
  • Beginning of Main Sales - May 6, 2019 
  • End of Main Sales - June 3, 2019



Everything changes. We change, technology changes, objects and gadgets, computers and cellular providers change. The new one safely replaces the old one. And the world at the same time flies at a crazy pace, turning one sphere of our lives into another or making it modernization in a new and modern way.

Sorry for the long article, and we do hope that we gave you a decent overview of our Token Sale information. Having said that, again and again and again. Come back to us with any questions. We will be more than happy to answer all of them. Listen, we know that you work very hard for your money, and we want you to be 1000000% positive that this is the right investment.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of Vera Exchange.



Minggu, 14 April 2019



Undoubtedly, Blockchain technology has began revolutionizing the operations of different sectors of the economy and adding value to lives generally. In this article we shall be looking at a unique project that has emerged to change the traditional way of money transferring strategies through the blockchain technology. I am talking about GLOBAL PROPERTY.

The real estate market, although it is one of the most ancient and conservative, nevertheless, it still has a huge number of problems, ranging from legislation to various registration documents and ownership rights to a particular object. Thus, the market is a kind of dinosaur, which is not fully digitized, which means that the documentation and all the necessary legislative registers can create an absolute mess.
A new decentralized project called Global Property Register intends to solve a number of problems.

About the project
Global Property Register — is a new generation of the real estate market, using modern technologies and tools, with which it will be possible not only to fix each subsequent property, but also to purchase it on a simplified system through the internal token platform.

That is, to put it in simple words, Global Property Register is a new kind of already obsolete old system of the real estate market. Global Property Registeris able not only to assess real estate, but also to control the entire list of necessary documents, legal certificates and other references at the legislative level, in order to ensure maximum transparency at all stages of the transaction, as well as to eliminate various bureaucratic costs.

Features and benefits
The presence of a blockchain network will allow you to simultaneously control an incredible number of files and documents, while providing all the necessary legislative, regulatory and legal structures with quick access to all the necessary documents and reports. Moreover, the blockchain will contribute to the reduction of additional financial costs, which previously devoured most of the capital of a real estate owner. Another advantage of Global Property Register is geographical latitude, because this project has the opportunity to develop around the world, without limiting itself to the borders of a country.

At the same time, to accelerate the process of all actions will help the built-in Artificial intelligence, which will not only reduce the time of all inspections, but also provide the user with all the necessary data for the shortest possible time. Another very important detail of Global Property Register is the insurance of real estate objects both from any natural disasters and from other insured events. That is not a little important element for all real estate.
In addition, the team of specialists will provide the best and reliable products for the real estate market based on the blockchain, namely:

The details of the ICO
Harmonious work within the system will be carried out by an internal token — XRX, with which users will be able not only to purchase some real estate, but also to pay for additional services for the registration of their property and much more. The token itself is developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain and meets the ERC20 standard.

In total, for the development of its project, the developers will be released 5 billion coins with an initial value of $0.005 US per 1XRX. As part of its ICO, the team intends to collect Hard Cap in the amount of 25 million us dollars. This amount should be enough to fully run your entire model and start using it in the near future.
The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows:

People who have long been in search of something real and accessible are clearly interested in this project. Because its concept is quite simple,but understandable to the masses. This means that people will not face great difficulties in the operation of this tool.
However, do not forget about the risks that are present in absolutely any direction and the project, so before you make any decision carefully consider it. Since my reviews are only for informational purposes and do not encourage you to invest in a particular project. All I can recommend to you is to study in detail each separately selected project independently. And for this, I always prepare all the necessary links that you will find at the end of this review. And that’s it for today and see you soon!

Official resources of the Global Property Register project:




Hello everyone how are you? How about the project of your choice? Have you find a favorite project for youself?
On this occasion I came again to fill the Cura Network ICO's blog with a very extraordinary project where this project is a data analysis platform based on artificial intelligence or AI of course this will greatly facilitate us and make our time more efficient.

How many have changed the speed of our lives over the past ten years. What we do in 3-5 minutes now happens at the speed of light. And every delay in just a few minutes may seem like forever, especially acute when you're late somewhere and you really need to switch from point A to point B.

Everything changes. We change, technology changes, objects and gadgets, computers and cellular providers change. The new one safely replaces the old one. And the world at the same time flies at a crazy pace, turning one sphere of our lives into another or making it modernization in a new and modern way.

Given the current situation of financial transfers throughout the world, we can safely say that in the traditional form as we remember, they are no longer relevant. Because there are other newer and better transmission methods, ready to solve all the problems that exist in this direction.

Blockchain technology offers various opportunities. From the first digital illustrations to the final products, the entire production chain utilizes this. Thus, production is free from the dependence of economically and financially rich centers. Individuals or companies can design, modify and produce their products using the Cura network , wherever they are in geography.

About Cura Network

Cura Network is a global decentralized health system comprising of entities collaborating and sharing data with each other to promote, restore or maintain health. These entities are patients, specialists, providers, and third party app developers. Patients will have exclusive ownership of their health data distributed and shared by other permissioned entities. Patients can authorize or deny access to part or all of their health records. Cura Network introduces a decentralized storage of health data via a platform that guarantees data interoperability, fast and secure access, privacy and data portability while serving as a partial or whole data layer for third party app developers to power their health service applications. Cura Network unites patients, specialists, researchers, insurance companies, developers etc. into a large global community.

We introduce an equitable economy that benefits all entities on Cura Network through the use of Cur; the native cryptocurrency of our network. Health specialists will get paid for their services rendered in a secure and transparent way on our blockchain. Patients will earn by voluntarily opting into research campaigns by providers. By maintaining an open ledger for financial transactions and direct link between researching providers and patients, we eliminate mismanagement of research funds.
We aim to improve the healthcare universe by making use of blockchain technology to create a unified platform that will power a plethora of health services. In the end, our goal is to integrate patients, specialists, providers and third-party app developers, into a blockchain ecosystem, which will make health transactions truly efficient, secure, explicit, fast and reliable

Join us in the revolution to build a global decentralized health care system with a distributed blockchain that facilitates handling and sharing your data in a secure and explicit manner, having access to your records instantly. Your location is no longer a barrier to where and how you manage your health. Manage your health records seamlessly across institutions.

Quality Healthcare
Access to quality healthcare from vetted specialists and providers across the globe.
Privacy & Access Control
Have ownership and control over your health records. Understand and determine how your data is being shared.
Global Decentralized Identity
Each entity is given a Cura Network Identity (CNID) representing an on-chain self-sovereign identity with unique role based attributes.
Distributed Storage of Records
Cost savings in storage. High efficiency in data transfer with persistent availability. Simultaneous data delivery across multiple computers.
Third-party App Integrations
Data access layer for a plethora of existing or new health software applications.
Equitable Economy
Inbuilt monetization at the very core. Earn Curs in an equitable system for data or services shared. 

With our light-weight mobile application, you can manage everything. Anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection can participate in our global network.
Your one point access to the decentralized network

Grant or deny health data access request
Manage your Cura Network Identity
Manage payments and earnings in wallet
View your health analytics in real-time
Access thousands of health applications

Token info
Token CUR
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
PreICO price 1 CUR = 0.3 USD
Price in ICO 0.4500 USD
Tokens for sale 200,000,000
Investment info
Min. investment 100 USD
Accepting ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH
Distributed in ICO 40%
Soft cap 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap 15,000,000 USD


Q2 2017 – The Inception of the idea.
Q3 2017 – Team Creation, Further Research.
Q4 2017 – Further development of the concept, study the economic value.
Q1 2018 – Q2 2018 – Development of our MVP, Website creation begins
Q3 2018 – Website completed, Blockchain Development continuation
Q4 2018 – Launch of Private sale leading to the Pre-ICO campaign.
Q1 2019 – End of Pre-ICO Sale.
Q2 2019 – Main ICO launches while the development of our Blockchain and the Platform continues.
Q3 2019 – Launch of Blockchain test Network.
Q4 2019 – Cura Network client application alpha release.

For more information and join CURA NETWORK social media today, please follow the following sources: 


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