VeraExchange-new generation exchange

hi dear today i want introduce to you about a great project from vera exchange
hi dear today i want introduce to you about a great project from vera exchange
vera exchange is a new Cryptocurrency exchange Your attention is given to a new technological solution that can protect the supply chain and optimize the processes of the company.
The idea of ??digital money network (or electronic money) and blockchain technology was first released to the world in 2009, almost a decade ago. In less than ten years, Bitcoin has become an extremely powerful and popular digital currency. Today, it’s not just about “electronic money” anymore, but according to basic technology, called blockchain, the system provides a much more flexible solution than just one currency that allows transactions. done online.
tokenization is a way to create digital money tokens that are added to something from the current reality. It tends to be anything, from gold and land to maintaining money administration and monetary instruments. No doubt the blockchain can provide more prominent candor in relationships between individuals and if something becomes a token, at that time all the financial relationships associated with this item will end up more difficult and more reliable.
about vera exchange

advantages of vera exchange
- Having a multi-layered security architecture.
- It has a layout that is smooth, easy to use, and easy to understand.
- We will be able to make a list of security / utility tokens and cryptocurrency.
- We aim to handle more than 1,000,000 transactions per second. Resolving the problem To expand VeraExchange's vision of the current market, they are doing great
Learn it and conduct an online survey. The total number of people completing a survey of more than 10,000 users and this allows us to identify the main problems faced by users during the trading process on the current exchange.
With an innovative, user-friendly and integrated GUI built, STC representatives (whether it is the CEO or CFO or someone else) will only fill in a form that can be adjusted to the dividend payment date, the amount of dividends per token, the minimum holding tokens ... and, voila! Every user who holds his token on our stock will receive payment through our smartly carefully developed contract. The Blockchain eliminates all possibilities to miss something: all calculations are made by the computer and no errors can be made during the process. Comfortable right?
In addition, the dividend date and the exact amount to be paid are usually announced beforehand and this creates action in the market exchange. In cryptographic space, investors may be confused and may lose the date and / or the number of tokens to be paid, so miss PURCHASE or SELL time.
With VeraExchange's default announcement mechanism, they will force STC to do an announcement as early as possible to have all investors informed about what is happening. Will it fit your wallet with tokens or to throw it away - all investors will have enough time to make the right decision.
Token Vera details are designed to serve the new trends in the crypto world:
IEO. The more tokens that are stored in the wallet all the time, the more IEO coins will be available for purchase during the sale. We strive to keep the processing speed of our servers fast enough for everyone not to experience slowness during this fast token offering.

VERA (VeraExchange tokens) - designed for continuous development and will be used at the discretion of the team to fund ongoing research and improvements.
- Pre-sale Start - Apr 22, 2019
- Pre-sale End - May 6, 2019
- Beginning of Main Sales - May 6, 2019
- End of Main Sales - June 3, 2019


Everything changes. We change, technology changes, objects and gadgets, computers and cellular providers change. The new one safely replaces the old one. And the world at the same time flies at a crazy pace, turning one sphere of our lives into another or making it modernization in a new and modern way.
Sorry for the long article, and we do hope that we gave you a decent overview of our Token Sale information. Having said that, again and again and again. Come back to us with any questions. We will be more than happy to answer all of them. Listen, we know that you work very hard for your money, and we want you to be 1000000% positive that this is the right investment.
Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of Vera Exchange.
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