Undoubtedly, Blockchain technology has began revolutionizing the operations of different sectors of the economy and adding value to lives generally. In this article we shall be looking at a unique project that has emerged to change the traditional way of money transferring strategies through the blockchain technology. I am talking about BIZpaye.
What is BIZpaye?
BIZpaye, a company (registered in Singapore), is a leading international barter trading platform operating within the virtual currency market that currently operates in 12 countries.
The barter concept dates back to 6000 BC, with the fi rst metal-based money dating back to 5000 BC. The annual barter exchange or barter transactions in general around the world has grown ever since and the World Bank presently estimates it to be worth 23$ Billion USD. More than half of the world population seeks discounts, deals and flexibility in payments.
For the purpose of transacting goods and services, these Trade Exchanges use a localized non-fi at currency called a “Barter Credit” as an accounting unit of payment used to record the value of barter transactions.
Governments worldwide recognize Barter Credits as a form of payment for Tax purposes. A Barter Credit is usually pegged against the local currency or origin in which it is transacted in.
Despite this huge trading volume there are fundamental problems in both this offl ine and online market which BIZpaye aims to solve with its BIZpaye “CRYPTO” token and the already established and growing BIZpaye ecosystem.
Mission and Vision
BIZpaye mission is to deliver fl exible and more convenient ways to transact across all borders, while providing complete transparency and low fees to a global audience within its own ecosystem. The BIZpayeteam aims to offer ways to liquidize idle and spare capacity for small and medium sized enterprises and help them generate more revenue and provide a leaner business model.
The existing Company
The BIZpaye CRYPTO Token currency will become part of the BIZpaye International Group of Companies, an established multi-transactional B2B & B2C Online and offl ine retail Marketplace whose active Merchants and customers trade millions of dollars every year.
The company has been in existence for 5 years and is currently operating in 12 countries including: Australia, Cambodia, Canada, Dubai, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Norway, Philippines, Thailand, United Kingdom, USA. The global expansion of BIZpaye leverages on the power of Master Franchising off ering huge scalability potential to enter new markets around the globe.
On top of this the BIZpaye International Group of Companies has for the past 5 years invested heavily into our.
Transactional systems
Franchise systems
For example
A USD Barter Dollar (Credit) is equal in value to that of the Fiat USD$ Dollar
A Thai Barter Baht (Credit) is equal in value to that of the Fiat Thai Baht

BIZpayeCRYPTO (BIZpaye “CRYPTO”) launch on the Blockchain will provide a fundamental change and shift to the way Merchants and customers interact and transact on a daily basis within the BIZpaye ecosystem globally. BIZpaye CRYPTO (BIZpaye “CRYPTO” Tokens) will be a fi rst to market change, off ering betterment to existing local barter credit system and the way international trade is done.
World Bank Net Barter Terms Of Trade
1980 - 2016

As the World Bank illustrated maps below show, the volume of Barter Transactions has grown signifi cantly on a Global scale, when comparing the vastly white areas of 1980 through to more recent recordings from 2016.
BIZpaye Ecosystem
The BIZpaye ecosystem will become be a global decentralized barter marketplace where businesses and consumers (collectively Merchants) can interact to buy and sell products. This unique marketplace allows transactions to take place in a B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C fashion utilizing a mixed fabric transaction unit (MFTU) of trade. An MFTU can comprise of cash and/or BIZpaye Crypto and/or BIZpaye Barter Credit currency.
Members enjoy effi ciencies in terms of costs of product, transaction costs and speed to transaction along with unprecedented security and transparency
BIZpaye Members
The cryptographic development environment is in its early stages. The intent is to select the appropriate open source solution for the development of the BIZpaye ecosystem to ensure a true globally scalable, stable, decentralized and sustainable solution in both the short and long term.
The BIZpaye ecosystem will comprise of different processes and participants.
Members (as Buyers)
Members (as Sellers)
Fulfi llment Resources
BIZpaye trade platform
BIZpaye crypto wallets/decentralized database
Support Centers

The BIZpaye CRYPTO Token Marketplace
Token Name: BIZpaye Crypto
Token Type: ERC-20
Token Decimals: 18
Token Trading Symbol: CRYPTO
Tokens Minted: 1,000,000,000
Tokens In Circulation: 44,810,560 (Last Report April 15, 2019)
Token Address: 0x7875bAfc5d63Fa035DeA0809c2a57A382d772903
Our Teams
Laurie Muire : Founder & Managing Director
Bjorn Hellesylt: Co-Founder & Director
Wayne Dobson: Chief Technology Offi cer (CTO)
BIZpaye Crypto Advisors

BIZpaye Crypto Corporate Partners

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