Sabtu, 22 Juni 2019



Hello everyone, we will provide the article to introduce the "iOWN TOKEN" project for people who are interested in contributing to the development and your potential platform. The following information may be incomplete and does not imply a contractual relationship. The main goal is to provide information to everyone so that they can decide whether to analyze the company to invest to obtain tokens. Participating in this project is huge for us, if you understand the project's vision and mission before you join, thereby increasing your confidence.

To date, the cryptocurrency has penetrated into many spheres of life. Therefore, there is a question of creating technologies that will bring it closer to ordinary people. Blockchain technology, in modern times, plays an important role in the construction of decentralized financial systems. It allows ordinary people to manage their own assets without the intervention of financial institutions such as banks, funds, brokers, etc. Such an opportunity people have been waiting for a long time as they risk very much allowing financial institutions to store their financial assets.

iOWN provides easy access for people to be part of any trusted running business (or promising startup) with minimum effort and maximum value. We convert smart ideas to real businesses; we provide digital support to business owners to enhance, expand and market their businesses enabling them to generate more funds and to share their success with everyone.


iOWN will not manage or administer any business. 
The responsibility for execution remains with the business owners. 
iOWN’s role is to assist in connecting investors with businesses and to facilitate presenting any information or reports made by licensed experts relating to the credibility and profitability of the business to the investors. 

Such reports are provided by the licensed practitioners may cover the following information: 
Qualifying the business body and team / providing a Team Trust Score 
Measuring the trust level of the business to provide a Business Trust Score 
Measuring the risk level of the project to provide a Risk Indication Score 
Validating financial reports to provide a Profit and ROI Indication Score 
Using reputable auditors to track and continuously monitor the business value, revenue and profit. 
Sharing the profit with investors on monthly, quarterly and annual basis as per the campaign terms and conditions 
Facilitating the overall process and transferring the ownership proofs between businesses and investors using trusted and transparent methods built on Blockchain


Technology realization for the Blockchain API part consists mainly of: 
1.The Smart Contracts: one of the main advantages of modern Blockchains since the introduction of the Ethereum Blockchain, Smart Contracts offer the intelligence of representing ownerships of assets (Asset Tokenization) and impose advanced conditions on the entities represented on the Blockchain. For example, implementation of a Business Escrow wallets, time constrains, conditions for investing, and external control (locking tokens, user agreements, etc.) - such conditions are needed to operate campaigns in a way similar to Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). 

2.Multi-Sig Smart Contracts: another basic building block of the iOWN Platform and Ecosystem, allowing for transactions to occur only if multiple parties unanimously agree upon actions or transactions.  

3.Oracles: an oracle in the Blockchain context is an external trusted entity entitled to overwrite data in Smart Contracts based on previous conditions. In the iOWN platform, the Oracle will be a consigner who controls all transactions of the Ecosystem, thus preventing malicious activity and also confirming external actions (like audit reports and delivery of payments by iOWN operations to the business). 




Everything changes. We change, technology changes, objects and gadgets, computers and cellular providers change. The new one safely replaces the old one. And the world at the same time flies at a crazy pace, turning one sphere of our lives into another or making it modernization in a new and modern way.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of iOWNTOKEN.

For More Information


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