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The term cryptocurrency or crypto currency is a controversial digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of additional units and to verify asset transfers. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency, alternate currency and virtual currency. Cryptocurrency uses decentralized controls as opposed to centralized electronic money and central bank systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through blockchain, which is a public transaction database that functions as a distributed ledger.
About BQT
While many Blockchain specialists are trying to find more ways to marry CRYPTO with FIAT, the MB believes in reducing its dependence on FIAT altogether. Each Crypto property has its value and can be used as a negotiating tool to get another Crypto property. They believe that the need to acquire Crypto's desired assets can be realized with significant provision of various Crypto assets and negotiated directly by the trader.
The Exchange BQT platform provides a secure, interactive and flexible P2P transaction environment and a user-friendly interface for managing different types of transactions including multiple encrypted assets. The management platform allows global traders to negotiate their Crypto property transactions directly interacting with each other and share their experiences with the community. To take advantage of the shares of many different Crypto Assets, BQT introduces the Hedge Transaction System. Unlike Margins and Futures Trading, the Hedge Trade system is a flexible way for Traders to acquire Crypto assets for a short period of time by depositing their existing Crypto accounts.
Many projects and companies appear to provide products and services that facilitate the use of electronic money for key users and create infrastructure for applications that run on blocking blocks. public. While the electronic money industry consists of many important players and groups, there are currently four major electronic money industries:
- Exchange it
- Purse
- Payment company
- Mining
Exchange it
Exchange is one of the first services to emerge in the electronic money industry: while the first exchange was established in early 2010 as a project that allows users to exchange Bitcoin and, therefore, market prices. In today's world, Crypto Exchanges offers services for buying and selling electronic money and other digital assets for national currencies and other electronic currencies and plays an important role in the economy of electronic money. providing markets for liquidity and price discovery.
P2P exchange intermediary
In the last weeks of March 2018, local bitcoin and other trading volumes on the P2P platform have seen a strong increase in various markets, with global volumes increasing to 75 million dollars per week.
Binance element succeded
Outside the ICO, Binance has grown rapidly in popularity by creating a much simpler approach to trading and is now a real alternative to Bittrex and other major trading platforms. Some items from Binance have been shown to increase market acceptance:
Being also an independent exchange of FIAT, related legal aspects.
This allows the operator to open an account quickly to operate.
do it Use your own token for use with transaction fees at a 50% discount.
re. Make a list of some Post-ICO ERC20 tags and transaction pairs that show Blockchain promises about innovation and use of tokens.
I This allows large daily withdrawals and quick deposits from several different wallets / tokens.
Commercial fence capacity
While many Blockchain experts try to find more ways to marry CRYPTO with FIAT, MB believes in reducing its dependence on FIAT altogether. Each Crypto property has its value and can be used as a negotiating tool to obtain other Crypto properties. They believe that the need to obtain the desired Crypto assets can be realized by the significant provision of several Crypto assets and negotiated directly by traders. In addition, they believe that the market now needs the capacity to protect their encryption assets in a short time to obtain other Crypto shares. Although it is difficult to implement margin operations and options in a real P2P environment, the BQ Team has developed innovative and powerful tools. which allows operators to make short-term hedging transactions.
Distribute the token


Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of BQT.
For mor information :
Website: https://bqt.io/
Whitepaper: https://bqt.io/assets/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bqt_ico
Telegram: https://t.me/BQTCommunity
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